Chapter 1: In the beginning

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Bethany's POV

It was on a Saturday morning when I woke up at 6am, put on my tights, sport bra and trainers and went for a jog. Came back at home around 8am after my jog. I was dripping wet with sweat .. Entered the kitchen and found mom making breakfast.. " morning Mom" I greeted . "morning sweet heart, I see that you are serious with this jogging" while busy frying eggs "well I am hey and I think you should join me old lady" joking around.. We both laughed and I went up to my room and took a shower. When i was done showering I pulled out my short white summer dress because it was hot outside and put on my black sandals.. Tied my huge puffy afro into a messy bun but it looked cute and went to have breakfast with mom downstairs..

After we were done eating.. I washed the dishes cleaned up and by the time I finished.. mom went out to visit her friend in town.. So I was home alone and I decided to text my friend (Chelsea) and we decided to meet up at the coffee shop around the block.. I got there and ordered some tea and some black velvet cake and waited for chelsea.. After about 10 min she arrived and ordered her own snack.. " chels have you seen the guy down the block?" I asked "of course I have , He's cute isn't he?" With a huge grin on her face "yes he is very cute and monied too" i nodded "and i heard he has two cars" said chels and we both continued and finished up our food.. We paid and said our good byes and parted ways ..

On my way home I received a text from mom: I will be sleeping over dear make sure the alarms are on and you at home safe.. xxx

I got home and decided to watch movies and I ended up falling asleep on the couch.. My phone woke me up .. It was a call from my guy friend (kevin) and I checked the time it was half past 7pm and I felt a bit hungry "hey Kev" i answered " hey B where you at?" Get asked "I'm home dude why?" I spoke "there is a party at Alex's house wanna come with?" He asked "uhm cool I'm home alone anyway and i won't be driving so you should come pick me " I said. "Okay be ready then I'll be there in 10min" we got off the call and I texted chels and she was coming with too..

I dressed up in my black tight jeans .. I am a black american by the way who have coloured and black friends.. Wore my jeans with my black hoodie and my black and white kicks.. Set the alarm on and I heard a hotter outside and I knew it was Kevin. Got out and locked the doors and went in the car.. We went to fetch Chelsea and then went to Alex's house..

We got there and there were people drinking outside the house and when I scanned I saw that there were some inside.. I greeted a few and I was given a cup with some brandy and coke.. I drank up and I kept on drinking and I noticed that I'm starting to get drunk then I started dancing with Chels .. I've been seeing Alex all over the house but I felt like he doesn't notice me but I continued dancing.. Then it was time for me to go home and when I checked the time it was about 2am then Kevin took Chelsea and I home .. I got home worse my pjs and the moment i went in bed I immediately drifted to sleep.

Woke up the following day feeling refreshed , that's what I like about Brandy and coke cause I dont get hangover.. I checked the time it was 8am and I saw i also had a text from a number I don't know that reads:
Hey gorgeous, I saw you last night but I was drunk so I couldn't come talk to you but I was hoping we could talk when you have a chance .. Alex❤ xxx

Ohhh my gooooshh .. I need to text chels ASAP..


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