OR Time

15 1 0

Bella POV

"What do we got?" Jordan asks.

"GSW to the upper right quadrant, lung collapsed in the field, we were able to get him breathing again." The EMT says .

"Trauma bay 1." Jordan tells them and we roll him in. 

Jordan and I glove up and start examining and come to the conclusion that he's stable enough to head up to CT, to look for break away pieces of the bullet and any other areas of concern.

I follow closely behind Jordan and our patient as we head up to CT. We carefully transfer our patient onto the CT bed and we tell him to do his best to stay still. We go into the imagining room to see fully what we are dealing with.

When the results come up we are shocked.

"Bella what do you see?" Jordan asks me questioningly. 

"He has a fragment very close to his heart and he has a tumor on his lung." I tell her and she nods.

"Call the OR and tell them we will be up. Bella, you want to scrub in?" She asks and I reply,

"Lets go."

As we dove into surgery, we chose to take a biopsy of the tumor on the man's lung and send it to the lab. Jordan called up the on call surgeon, Scott, to remove the fragment near the man's heart.

"Scott, I have incoming Trauma, Bella will be your extra set of hands." Jordan says and Scott nods and we got back to work.

But after we remove the fragment, we quickly realize the man has developed an air embolize that quickly needed aspirated before it killed the guy. Luckily we caught it in time and got rid of it.

We got the man all stitched up and sent to recovery.

"You did really well Bella." Scott says and walks off.

I pull my gloves off and over cover and put them into the trash.

"How do you like our hospital so far?" I hear someone say and I realize its the owner.

"I'm liking a lot about this hospital. I'd like to hopefully have a place here." I tell him.

"You've got the job. You function well under stress and you are good at communicating with others. Several of our doctors have spoke some good things about you. I called the boards and I had our people make you your ID. Here you go." He says and hands me my ID and I clip it onto my scrubs.

"Thank you sir."  I tell him and he nods.

"Can somebody pick my truck up from where they had the pile up earlier? I pulled off to the side." I ask.

"We can send one of our interns. Cain!" the owner calls and a man jogs over.

"I'd like you to go retrieve Doctor Wick's truck from the pile-up scene." The owner says.

"What type?" He asks looking over at me.

"Its a black Chevy Silverado." I tell him and hand him the keys.

"I will go get it for you." He says.

"Thank you." I tell him and he jogs off.

"I'll let you get you back to work." The owner says and walks off.

When I return to the ER, I notice TC looking at charts but lightly skimming his eyes towards me.

"Doctor Wick, we have a young woman complaining of abdominal pain in Bed 5." the nurse says and hands me the chart. I walk towards the bed and greet the woman.

"You must be Allison. I'm Doctor Wick. I hear you have been having abdominal pain. When did it start?" I ask as I apply a little pressure to her sides and stomach and she yelps when I put pressure over where her appendix is.

"Yesterday, it started like a mild stomach ache and it turned into a stabbing pain." She says.

I check her temp and it was 102.3.

"Nurse Kenny lets take Miss Allison up to MRI to get a scan of her abdomen." I tell him and he nods and we head up to MRI.

I step into the viewing area and wait for Allison's results.

"Looks like her appendix needs removed. Call the OR." I tell Kenny.

"Would you like a co-surgeon?" Kenny asks.

"Who do you suggest?" I ask.

"TC, Scott, Jordan, possibly Ragosa." Kenny says.

"TC or Jordan would be fine." I tell him.

"Alright." He replies and hurries off as I go into the MRI room.

"Alright Allison, we are going to be taking you to surgery to have your appendix removed." I tell her.

"Okay." She says painfully as a nurse and I transfer her over to the gurney and wheel her to the OR. I get scrubbed in and am greeted by TC entering the OR just as we put the girl under anesthetic.

"Are we all set?" I ask.

"Yes Doctor." The nurses say.

"Ten blade." I say and we begin the procedure. TC and I equally shared the work. We had no issues whatsoever. 

"You want to grab something to eat after surgery?" TC offers.

"Sure." I tell him as I tie the last stitch and we apply a sterile bandage and we get things cleaned up as the nurses take Allison to recovery.

TC and I pull off our cover overs and gloves and exit the operating room and sanitize our hands.

"You military?" I ask.

"Army. You?" He asks.

"Marines." I tell him.

"Oooo. We got a badass. I better watch out." He says and I laugh.

"Café food or truck food?" He asks.

"Truck food. Café food is horid." I tell him and he lets out a chuckle as we walk outside to the truck and order our food and talk for a bit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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