Love and Lust Aren't the Same

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 An unfortunate thing about life is people don't know the difference between Love and Lust. Well, here's a wakeup call; they are not the same. People will argue that they are and point out various things that make them alike. But alike is not the same as exact.

Love is that tingly, happy sensation you feel when you’re with the right person. The feeling that no matter what you do, you can't stop thinking about them. And when that person gets you mad over some stupid reason, one look at them and you know in your heart, you could never be mad at them forever; much less 5 minutes. Love is also that pledge to that special person, that you would/will do anything in your power to make them happy, because in inside you know that when they're happy, you’re just as happy too.

Lust is that evil sin people give in to. It’s just that feeling you want to have them in a sexual way, or physical way, even though you know that you won't really ever love them. That is what some people call love. A one night-stand, a fling, an all-nighter.  Whatever slangs you may call it, it's not love.

So I'll start by proving this point to you as I, Luke Daniels, tell you my story of how I got these two emotions confused, because with Love and Lust, you never know what will happen.

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