4. Enemies now

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Pacifica Southeast's POV

                "Who else do you think is going to come?" I asked Gideon as we waited for everyone else to show up to Robbie's birthday party.

We always came early to anything Robbie planned...well at least I made Gideon come early with me.

Gideon just shrugged. "I don't know...I know about as much about these people as you do, nothing...But I can make a good assumption; they're probably big, scary teenagers that have the same rude attitude as Wendy, you know Robbie's type!" He smiled.
I rolled my eyes. "That is not his type!" I argued. "We're not big, scary teenagers and we don't have rude attitudes, we're good-hearted pre-teens!"
"Yeah that Robbie only hangs out with cause he works at the shack, he wouldn't be nice to us if we were anyone else than the boss' grandkid and his friend." He pointed out.
"There you go being negative again!" I yelled out of anger.
"Come on Pacifica! It's not like he's hang around anyone else under the age of 15."

Suddenly a car arrived in front of the
restaurant, Robbie was the first one out after it parked.

The rest of his friends came out after.

All of them looked extremely unfamiliar and big and scary like Gideon had said then suddenly one a lot shorter popped out next to Wendy...wait...

Was that Dipper Gleeful?

I turned to Gideon. "You were saying?" I smirked.
"I'm sure Wendy just invited him." He shrugged.

I just ignored him and went to go greet him and his friends.

Most of them were looking at their phones or just didn't care to say hi back.

I then slowly approached Dipper. "Southeast..." he smirked. "Fancy seeing you here, enjoy last night's show?"

Maybe Gideon was right...maybe I didn't like him that much after all, I was just in love with his bad boy thing going on and the fame and money that came with it; just in love with the idea of him.

I sighed. "Yes I love just falling to my death, don't you?"
"Uh...no." He seemed a little shocked at my hostility, I'm sure most girls faint just being near him. "No, I don't like that." He continued. "That's why I caught you...remember?"
"You were just saving yourself from getting sued." I scoffed.
"I didn't even think about that..." he rubbed the back of his neck, he was really losing it that I wasn't just immediately gushing over him...it was kinda fun to watch. "I was too busy trying to catch you."
"So you could push me off the stage right after?" I crossed my arms.
He bit his lip. "Well you see..."
"What I saw was that you got embarrassed because your sister glared at you."
"Uhm yeah...but..."
"In fact you told her it was an accident."
"But nothing!" I snapped. "So stop trying to act like you're some hero and don't mess up Robbie's birthday."
"Oh..." suddenly his smirk appeared back on his face. "Is that what this about? Your buddy Robbie?"
I turned over to Robbie to make sure he didn't hear him...he was too busy talking to Wendy. "Of course it is, it's his birthday I don't want you to mess this up."
"Yeah well I tried to be nice but now...well I think I'm gonna have a little fun." He smirked and then passed me into the restaurant.

We had all went into the restaurant.

I was stuck sitting across from him, of course he was in between Robbie and Wendy.

The waiter come over.
"I'll have a salad." I said, I heard Dipper groan. "What?" I asked.
"Well of course you'd order something so plain and ladylike."
And so the war begins...
"No I just like salads." I scoffed.
"No one likes salads, and if you're telling the truth then that's even worse than pretending to."
I just ignored him and tightened my ponytail.
"I hope that makes your head pop."
"I hope you get food poisoning."
"Just admit you actually like me and my insults will be over."
"I rather admit to murder."
"Can it be suicide?" He smirked and then turned to the waiter. "I'll have the all topping pizza, it's sounds...exciting." He glared at me.

I rolled my eyes and passed over my menu, patiently waiting for everyone else to finish ordering.

Mabel Gleeful's POV

✪ "Dipper...I need your help..." I spoke shyly as I knocked on his door.
He didn't answer.
"Dipper?!" I yelled louder. "Please this is serious!"

Still no answer, I slammed down the door.

It was completely empty.

As I walked around looking to see if maybe he was just hiding I heard a faint cry come from the closet.


I quickly ran over and opened it up. "Where is he?! Tell me!" I demanded.
His face scrunched up out of fear. "L-last I-I heard...he was with W-Wendy."
"Wendy?...Finally he likes her!" I cheered.
"Not quite, Miss...he's with her because it's Robbie birthday, at that restaurant they always go to and he invited Pacifica...the girl he gave the—rose to?...he sent me home after I tried to stop him."
"What?! What does he want with her?" I scoffed.
"Well, Miss-"
"Actually...don't answer that." I sighed. "He's probably just using her for attention."

I then left the room and had my driver drive me to the restaurant Will talked about.

I went up to the glass doors and peered in, Dipper looked up and saw me.

He quickly ran over probably terrified I'd ruin his little 'date'

"What the heck are you doing here?!" He yelled as he came outside and pulled me aside so no one else would see us.
I crossed my arms. "What am I doing here? What are you doing here?! Can you honestly tell me this is all for the mousy girl you gave the rose?"
"That's none of your business...maybe I'm just going to avoid you." He scoffed.
"Yeah well anyways...my times running short..." I bit my lip. "I need your help."
"With what...?" He asked nervously.
"I can't believe you forgot!" I tried to make this into a joke. "Today's our annual killing spree!"
He covered my mouth his hand.
"Could you be any louder?! I don't need anyone finding out we did that!"
I licked his hand so he'd get it off of my mouth.
"Ewwww..." he gaged wiping if off. "And anyways it's not even that time, we did that in winter...and even if it was I thought we both agreed not to do it anymore?—it got dangerous."
"No, you wined like a baby the whole time and I just agreed until you shut up!"
"Why are you bringing this up?" He sighed.
"Okay truth is...I know it's not that time of year..."
"Oh really?!" He asked sarcastically.
"Oh be quiet." I rolled my eyes. "Anyways...remember Ron?"
"The guy from our first show?—the one you were seeing?"
"Yeah well turns out he didn't really like me that much because he cheated on me with some other girl from the show and well I let my anger get the best of me and..."
"You need my help hiding the bodies...don't you?" He sighed.
"Well technically yes.." I bit my lip.
"What do you mean technically?"
"Well they're not dead yet...I strapped them to some trees in the forest and was about to torture and kill them but then I thought why not get my dear old twin and have him join the fun!" I smiled at him widely.
"The fun?! No, no, no, no, no, NO! Go have fun with out me, I won't stop you but there is no way I'm joining!"
"Oh come on!" I groaned. "They deserve it! Besides...you were always good at hiding bodies."
"Yeah because I hated what I did..." he looked down.
"But that never stopped it from feeling good in the moment, right? Come on, you can't hide who you really are forever...not even one night for sweater-geek over there."
"Fine, if you will leave me alone once and for all...I'll help you hide the bodies when you're done but I am not joining in!"
"Great! Let's go!" I cheered and without another word I grabbed his hand to lead him into the forest.

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