The Beginning

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Straight out of high school, not knowing what to do like half of the other soon to be college kids. With my ability, I've always wanted to go to the known school for people like me. But will it be like meeting a celebrity, Wanting to meet them so bad and only knowing the good things about them, but getting knowing them and realizing things might be a bit different with stained glass removed? it wasn't like meeting a celebrity though, if I paid for courses I throw away any chance of other chances.

I want to be like Harris Canmore, A woman with probably more than 1 million animals in her Utopia. Maybe I could be as amazing as Peter Clarke, The guy tames the wildest things, he travels to Godaga, a realm of dragon-like reptiles, being able to make it to Godaga is a feat on its own, but being able to connect to the beasts and tame them is on another level. Godaga is a teleporter of sorts that is able to transfer you and up to 10 other living things to the world of the beasts, it's incredibly dangerous, that's why its a 3 week hike up there, most of the time the people who just wanted to pop in and out, tapped out of the hike and head back.

I walk to the local Pound, If I'm going to start my journey of being just like Harris or Peter, I'm going to need a friend to give me some support, not a human of course, in a land where animals make most of the population, why go for something harder to keep? Of course, some people might say it's not the smartest idea to get an animal first thing- but as most who know me say, 'I don't care'

As I walk I see a young girl run seemingly trying to get away from something- I'm guessing she wasn't watching where it's going because she decided to run into me. For the split second I see the being I realize its not a young girl, it's a half-grown man. He doesn't give me a chance to get back up before he is sprinting off again. I hear a groan of annoyance behind me and I turn to see a woman with a dark complexion and hair messily tied into a bun. 

"Where'd he go?" the girl who seemingly couldn't care less about if I was okay asked.

"I have no idea"

"You've got to be kidding me, he ran right into you and yet you don't know where he went, just my luck a half-blind kid." I looked at her a bit stunned at what she said.  

"Well, miss I don't even know what you're trying to do to him." The girl stared at me dumbfounded. 

"He's my cousin you-- ugh" the girl reluctantly helped me up. She walks off not giving me a second glance. 

Well then, that was interesting, I quickly remember the fact that I'm going to finally start my journey 20 is the legal age to get animals of any kind here, no matter how small. I quickly pick up my bags and realize something. Was that a distraction? I look in my bag and there are 50 dollars missing. Also known as the money I was going to spend on my new friend. 

I decide to try to find the woman and her partner in crime, and I see the end of her backpack through the town. I run up to her and I can see the annoyance radiating off of her.

"You, again?" she looks slightly stressed, but mostly annoyed.

"You and your 'cousin' stole my money." I look at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"I didn't he did, he wants money so he can buy himself a stupid dog." 

"Well, I was buying a dog with that money that is mine may I remind you."

"Go to the pound he's probably there anyway."  I run in the direction of the pound determined to find the thief. Soon enough I see the guy with my money in his hand. I sneak up and grab his shirt from behind. He visibly tenses,

"Monica..?" he questions.

"No mister, The woman you stole money from." 

"Oh. Uh sorry, you can have it, I just really want a dog and well, I don't have a job I recently graduated and well, I'm saving up for college but-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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