Chapter 1: The Vision (and the Math Test)

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[Play song while reading scene]

Raichu Human walked gloomily toward his math class. It was the last week of school and the last day of math finals. As he trudged up the stairs, he saw Rudia Maudam and Cheese Pharoah walking next to each other. He smiled hopefully at them, but Cheese stuck her tongue out at him, and Rudia flipped her hair in disgust. Raichu sighed and continued to his math class.

Nobody really seemed to forget about the incident from before. Raichu was overwhelmed by the death of his father, Spark, that he stopped eating and drinking. One day, he couldn't take it and he fainted. Zapdos, then, took control of him and made him do awful things, and if it wasn't for Lugia, then everyone in the world would be suffering from under his, er, Zapdos' rule. When Zapdos finally left his body, no one really forgot what he did (even though it was completely not his fault). The Instinct members would give him wavering smiles (that he knew were forced). Shelly Yangtze would glare at him and Ravisu Singum-spaghetti would look at him suspiciously. Isabell Bestmountain and Rudia would pretend he wasn't there and Cheese would stick her tongue out. Quinci Laciasal was the nicest, and would try to smile and start a conversation (that wouldn't turn out well). No one really forgot, though, no matter how hard they tried.

Raichu completed his test with ten minutes to spare, so he checked over his test for the fourth time. Although he was looking at his test, his mind wandered elsewhere. Suddenly, he was dipping down from the sky, to the ground.
Raichu could still feel the wood of the desk, the plastic of the chair he was sitting in, but one part of his mind was elsewhere, in a different place. The eyes he saw through were not his own, but... Zapdos'.

Raichu was shocked at this realization, but also joyful. He hadn't seen Zapdos for many months. Even though he knew that the spirit had been evil, part of him craved to see him. So instead of breaking the connection, he continued to watch.

Zapdos landed on the grassy floor He was in a small clearing with a cave on one side of it. Inside of the cave were multicolored crystals and bioluminescent mushrooms. Around the clearing, were trees, reaching toward the sky. In the middle of the clearing, Moltres was waiting expectantly. Zapdos opened his beak and from it fell a large pile of wood. Moltres opened her mouth, blowing a small ember toward the wood. It instantly burst into flames. As the fire grew, Articuno flew out of the cave, worriedly.

"Lugia's not well," Articuno shook her head. "He won't stop mumbling about someone called 'The Guy.'"

"I, too, felt something last night," Zapdos nodded. "I felt something happen to Ho-oh."

"Oh yeah!" Moltres realized. "Something bad happened to him. I don't know what, but I think Ho-oh and 'The Guy' are related somehow."

"Lugia's not getting any better," Articuno stated. "We're not getting anything out of him anytime soon."

"Let's just wait, then," Zapdos offered. "It's gonna be fine."

"Shouldn't we tell the heirs about this?" Moltres asked.

"No," Articuno answered. "We should leave them out of this. Although I think we should contact the leaders."

"So it is settled," Zapdos concluded. "We shall tell Candela, Blanche, Cor, and Raichu."

"Not Raichu," Articuno disagreed.

"Why not Raichu?" Zapdos asked.

"You and Raichu don't really have a, well," Moltres hinted, "great relationship with each other after what happened recently."

"Fine," Zapdos relented. "But just in cass owl contract..." The words grew fuzzy and muffled as Raichu was brought back to his surroundings.

"First row, turn in your tests!" Mr. Hashbrown, the math teacher, said.

Raichu, Quinci, and everyone else in his row stood up and placed their tests in a pile.

"Second row, turn in your tests!" Mr. Hashbrown repeated.

Shelly, Bell, and Cheese turned in their tests.

As Raichu headed back to his seat, he wondered what else Zapdos was trying to say. 

AN: I've decided I will also put random songs in here that fit the scene. They are actually pretty cool if you are reading and listening to the songs at the same time. But if you don't want to listen to the song, it's fine. The song is just for special effects for the important scenes. 

PS: I like Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra songs a LOT! Also, there are a few Studio Ghibli/Studio Ponoc songs here and there too. 

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