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"I don't give a fuck what you think. It's my life, let me do the fuck I want!"

"It's not only your life! Your affecting our children's lives. You come home late, always drunk. You don't spend time with us. You're never home. You're their father, you're suppose to be there for them!"

[Y/n] tried to ignore the raging screams coming downstairs. His mum and dad had been fighting more now and it was getting worse. He hated when they fought because then he would always get really bad nightmares.

His duvet provided little comfort as he tried to block out the horrible words used by his father. The darkness scared him to bits and he didn't know where to look. He wanted to disappear where he was but he knew that was impossible.


[Y/n] slowly looked out of his warm comforter and saw his brother and sister standing in front of them. His brother was crying, eyes blotchy and red, as his sister looked miserable. He didn't say anything -how could he? - and he just lifted the duvet for them to come inside. [Y/n] had the biggest bed of the siblings. Whenever their parents would fight, [Y/n] would let them all climb into his bed.

Joshua and Niamh happily crawled in, hugging their brother who tried to hug them back. [Y/n]'s body instantly felt warm again. He was so happy he had two caring siblings who loved him to death and vice versa. It was peaceful until-

"Joshua this, Niamh that. [Y/n] needs money for his ballet and tap dance lessons. Naimh wants a new book, can you buy it for her. Joshua needs money for his speech therapy. For fucks sake, I'm not made out of money!"

"For the love of everything holy, I always pay for everything! I'm only asking for you to help me! You always get fired from your jobs. You can never keep a single one!"

The tranquil silence was decimated, leaving the three to just lie in the bed in an uncomfortable atmosphere. [Y/n] knew that his two siblings wanted the fighting to stop which made him feel a tad better knowing that he wasn't alone. But he didn't dare to say anything to them and just stayed quiet as he heard his brother weeping and his sister trying to calm him down. "Shh, Josh, it's alright," Niamh cooed, soothing Joshua's head with her soft hands. He snuggled deeper into his sister's neck, trying to stop the yelling from getting to him. But it was hard when their words hurt like poison seeping into your blood.

"Just shut the fuck up will you,"

"That's it,"

Thumps were heard coming up the stairs, yells coming after it. Every single time another thump was heard, [Y/n] felt the need to run more appealing "What's going to happen?" He whimpered, gripping more tightly onto the back of Joshua who was shaking. Niamh immediately replied. She didn't want to make her brothers even more scared. They didn't deserve to go through this.

"Nothing, nothing's going to happen," she reassured but even she didn't believe what she was saying. [Y/n] just tried to believe what Niamh said because he wanted it to be true as well.

The door ripped open, the sounds of shoes hitting the floor. "Sweeties, come on. Get up. We're going somewhere else," a voice softly whispered. That soft and tender voice could only belong to their mother who would never raise her voice at them.

Niamh immediately got up, looking at their mother who looked as if she may cry. "Mama? Where are we going?" She asked. Their mother just sighed and gave her a purple hoodie that she had got downstairs.

"We're going to my friend's house. Daddy's being difficult," she mumbled, eyes glistening with unreleased tears. [Y/n] nudged his brother to get up who willing did so. He got lifted up by his mother as [Y/n] crawled off the bed.

The four quickly got ready, all swaddled into their coats and scarfs as it was autumn and very cold. They still had their pyjamas on to save time.

"Mina where the fuck did you go?!"

The mother ignored the enraged cry, lifting Joshua since he was too scared and tired to walk. Niamh took [Y/n]'s hand so he would feel safe and also so Niamh would feel a bit better about the situation.

The four walked out of the bedroom and went down the stairs. There stood the children's dad and the three were sadly ashamed to call him that.

He was obviously drunk by his sluggish walking and the way he looked. He looked terrible, and frankly, the mum didn't know what she saw in him. She was ashamed that she had spent all this time thinking he'd straighten up for his kids. It seemed not because, here he was, cursing and shouting at her saying he wasn't going to do anything.

"Where are you bringing the kids?" He gruffly asked, eyes filled to the brim with venom. Mina had enough and just wanted to get away from him.

"Anywhere without you," she spat, charging through him. She hit his shoulder with his which resulted in him crashing into the floor. He yelled out slurred curses as he tried to get up but failed.

Emilia and [Y/n] quickly ran after their mum who was stomping to the bus station in both anger and sadness. The three children both wished the same thing that day.

'I wish we had a normal family,'

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