
" I hope the world is truly ready for some Foust babies! All the Fries are definitely going to spoil this kid so much, lol!" Louise


"I bet Cerise is going to be the best big sister ever!" Brianna

"Can you imagine this child with Tim's personality? All that sass and attitude!" Lynn


"I sure hope Tim is ready to deal with a miniature version of himself! Hahaha!" Jenny


"OMG! A little miniature Tim running around, Lol! If this kid learns to raise its eyebrow like he does and throws the sass like Tim, everyone is in trouble!!!!" Taylor

"I wonder if Adam will teach this child to beatbox? Hahaha!" Shawna


"Now that would be adorable!" Angela


"I would love to see video of Adam teaching their child to beatbox!" Annie


"I second this!" Lacie

Amarelle was pleasantly surprised at the positivity on Facebook. There were a few mean comments as well but it seemed like the positive far out-weighed the negative. When she flipped over to Twitter it was about the same. More speculation on who the father was and what the child was going to look like. It made Amarelle giggle to herself. They would all find out after the child was born when they had a blood test done!

-->I wonder if they consciously decided on either Tim or Adam for their first child? Elizabeth

-->I imagine this child is going to turn out to be a gorgeous baby! Sarah

-->How spoiled is this kid gonna be, lol? Mandy

*A lot! Grace

*Good point! I'm sure tons of Fries are gonna start bringing them baby items! Mandy

-->I hope we get a gender reveal photo! Cindy

*I wonder how they would do that? Deborah

*@Deborah She seems to be quite creative. It would be very interesting to see their gender reveal photo! Mandy

-->Such a cute photo! Sheryl

*I know! It made me giggle! Cherry

*I wonder how she told them they were gonna have a baby? 😊 Sheryl

-->Is it too early to speculate about which one is the biological father? Irene

*I guess it doesn't matter. They've already said should they ever have children, they would raise it together 😊 Casandra

*@Irene Kind of but I'd love to know too! If the kid has blue eyes or blond hair it's a good bet it's Adam's. If the kid has brown hair, it's Tim's 😉 Patricia

*@Patricia Good point. But we won't know for sure until its born :D Sandy

*I kind of hope it's Tim's simply because Adam already has a biological child. :/ Cherry

*@Cherry, I'm with you on that! Cassie

Shaking her head, she tabbed over to Instagram. It, just like the Home Free Facebook and Twitter accounts, were flooded with comments already. It made her laugh some as she began scrolling through comments.

>>OMG congratulations! Tina

>>What a beautiful baby y'all will have! Mary-Kay

>>Congrats! I bet Cerise is excited to be a big sister! Jen

>>Will we get a gender reveal photo too? I'd love to see how you do that because the baby announcement was just adorable! Tammy

>>What an awesome surprise to wake up this morning! Congratulations guys! Theresa

>>Oh my goodness! This baby is going to be so adorable! Grats y'all! Angelica

>>There goes your sex life, lol! Seriously, congrats! Can't wait to see the newest little Small Fry! Thelma

Amarelle was laughing at some of the comments. Some people were already giving them parenting advice which she thought was incredibly funny since they already had Cerise! There weren't any real negative comments from the Instagram peeps. Figuring she'd seen enough, she closed out of all the social media sites, sat back, and took a few deep breaths. Their lives were definitely changing.

Was she ready for this? Sitting there, alone on the bus, she thought back to all they'd been through together. Jealousy, insecurity, miscommunication, physical altercations, crazy exes, crazy-wild sex, making their home together, bonding with Cerise. 'Yes. Yes, we can do this. I can do this.' she smiled to herself.

A/N: I hope y'all liked it ;) Please vote and comment below your thoughts/feelings/frustrations/how your dog is doing/how is work :P

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