VaL Tyros

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                             this is the first chapter and im so excited...and the first few chapter's will be just everyone's pov on the first few days of the book...and guess who we are starting with😏😏😏...ME! VAL TYROS! YAY!

~~~VaL Tyros' POV~~~

August 18, 2018. Jade Lerolan's Parents House, Pittsburg Pennsylvania. 10:27 AM.

"NO." I screamed.

I just woke up. It was a dream...not like how i know Kylee gets them, this was a dream about Peter, that bastard.

I forgot to take my pills last night....they help me not to dream. After Peter did what he did, and when i found Evan...

'Wait, this isn't my bed...'

"It's ok...its ok...calm down, he's not here, its just me," someone said soothing me, rubbing circles on my back.

A light headache was starting to reveal itself. I ignored it. It wasn't relevant.

I turned to my side in the abnormally comfortable sheets realizing that there was a warm body next to me, radiating with heat even without the blankets that i am guessing i stole over the night.

'Jade. Jade Lerolan. Thank the gods.'


"Hi," i greeted back to him, as he wrapped his arm around me.

I flinched. Damnit.


"Im sorry," i say to him, a tear falling from my eyes. We sat there for a moment in awkward silence.

"I need you to stop doing that," the oblivion said to me.

I sighed, my breath shaking, "I know."

Again we sat there.

"And i dont mean flinching. I mean blaming yourself for what happened with Peter. It wasn't your fault," he said looking at me with a reassuring look on his face. "I should have been there to blow him up," he said with a hint of sarcasm in his last few words.

"Ok," i say with a few more tears streaming out of my eyes. At the moment i couldn't tell if they were happy or sad tears.

I looked around the room a little bit, finally getting little bits and pieces from the night before. All i found were some exploded beer bottles and our shirts and my pants from the day before.

'Welp...undergarments are still here...i was being responsible this time....this time...'

"Did we party last night by chance?" I questioned him as he turned me so his head was in the crook of my neck.

No flinching.

"Yup. I turned 16 and all of us got wasted," Jade answered plainly.


"About 80 people."


"Shit indeed," he said as i felt his lips turn to a smirk on my surprisingly cold skin, especially for having a heavy blanket that was now wrapping the two of us wasted teenagers into a little irresponsible burrito.

"How many people went home?" I asked, imagining how trashed the house must be...

'At least his parents are gone for a few months...'

He didnt answer me for about a minute, indicating he was thinking.

"Im pretty sure that Mark, Shae, Lili, Nate, and us are the only ones here, unless they ditched us so they didnt have to clean. I remember Shae almost broke your shot record and passed out," he said chuckling at the last sentence, " im pretty sure she got to 59."

"I dont think even Mark could beat that record of 67, and he's a damn badass," i said kissing him, just getting drunk all over again off of the taste of the Lerolan's drying, pink lips.

We sat there for what seemed for hours just looking at eachother.

"We need to find them," i said, him whinging like a 2 year old as i got up grabbing my shorts and flannel. I heard the rustling of sheets as i stepped out the door, knowing that he only needed to put on a shirt, he almost always sleeps in his clothes.

About halfway through the halway i heard a sarcastic filled groan coming from the next bedroom over.

"Oi! Shae? That you my dude?" I said with a grin on my face, walking into the room.

"What the actual fuck Tyros. How the hell can you hold your alcohol. I hurt EVERYWHERE," she said rubbing her head as i walked in the room.

I then felt the throbbing headache that was finally coming all the way through at this point.

"Wellllll ask your douchy older brother, he tought me all my drinking triks," i said winking at her, while helping her up out of bed.

'two more weeks till 16 mimic...two more...'


Yay! Im a drunk badass with a great boyfriend! And honestly i would think Shae would try to break my record...and fail😏😏😏😂 i betcha that u wanna hear the whole Peter and VaL drama😏😖😝sorry but u gotta wait😕😉 im gonna do Layne's POV next❤❤❤ Kylee and Nash's will be last...goodbye my reds❤🌹😘

835 words

~❤VaL Theory❤~

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