"I want you to meet my sister," He announced suddenly and then cursed himself for the way it came out when she looked startled by it. So much for not saying ruining the moment, he muttered to himself.

 "Not like that, I don't mean it in an I want you to meet my family kind of way, not that I don't want you to meet my family, I just don't want to freak you out. It's just I'm a guy so I know you can't tell me everything, I know you like doing makeup and all of that kind of stuff and my sister is really into it too, but it's up to you. You don't have to if you don't want to-" He rambled, his stomach feeling jittery.

She cut his digression off by simply scooting closer to him and resting her head on his shoulder.

Oh, this girl, He thought to himself, feeling a strange emotion crawling against his skin, raising goosebumps across. The wind carried her scent and he caught it, a warm french vanilla that made his mouth feel dry with an odd particular hunger. Her full head of dark curly hair rested against the black long sleeve shirt he was wearing, and he released a content sigh. 

"I'd love to meet your sister," Farah said after a few moments, staring at the beach. "What's her name?"

Israfil let out another sigh, one he didn't know he was holding. "Samara." His hand tightened around her own. "She's a gossiping brat but she's cool sometimes I guess. I think you'll like her."

"Lacey's really nice too. Maybe all three of us can hang out soon."

He turned to her, "I was going to tell you, I have a trip coming up. I have to fly over Phoenix this weekend."

Farah's met his gaze, "Why?"

"I have a meeting with the Alpha over there. Our packs are bound by treaty so whenever he has massive issues with rogues or anything else, I fly down there with my beta to help him out." He explained, "I'd take you with me, but I can't. You're not Luna yet."

She shifted nervously, "Luna?" 

"It's like the Alpha Female, you rule the pack alongside me. I didn't want to pressure or rush you, I wanted you to take your time to adjust here before I gave you any responsibilities."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Okay, I'm not really seeing the problem? I'll be fine on my own."

"You're not staying by yourself." He stated, almost instantly. The sharpness of his jaw tightened, shadowed by the moonlight and the dark stubble of his beard. He watched as a frown marred her forehead, a slight crease forming between her eyebrows, her lips pressing together firmly before she opened her mouth to speak.

"Why not?"

"I'm not leaving you alone." She didn't like the way his tone was; possessive, firm and almost condescending. Did he not think that she could handle herself? Even if she couldn't, the thought of him not thinking she would be fine on her own was irking her. Did he not think that she was strong enough, was that it?

"Don't do that," She said, her tone quiet but colored with the annoyance she felt. "Don't think that I'm weak. Do you not trust me, is that why?"

Israfil scowled, "I don't think you're weak. It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't trust other people with you." He exhaled sharply through his teeth, not wanting to engage in a fight with her. This wasn't his aim, she had willingly come to him to try and sort things out, and that made him happy. He was glad his interest wasn't one-sided, but he didn't want to ruin that, the progress they made was good. 

Orphic (#1 in the Hajar series)Where stories live. Discover now