Chapter 1, Part 5!

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes at him, and then looked back at Fawne. "Actually I'm here for another hour and a half." I said, frowning slightly. 

I didn't wanna be here anymore. I wanted to be with her, where ever. 

She smiled slightly. "Oh, okay. I'll wait for you down in the lobby." 

I could tell she was disapointed that I was busy, and she wanted to be with me more then anything. "No, no. You can wait up here. Plus, I don't trust some people down there." I said, smiling brightly. "Plus, I'd rather have you here with me." 

She blushed a darker shade of pink, and I probably did as well. 

~Kendall's Pov.

I stared blankly at the road as I drove Carlos and I baclk to the PalmWoods. I zoned out, even though nothing was on my mind. "Kendall, what do you wanna do?"

I glanced at Carlos, only to look back at the road. "I dunno," I shrugged. "What do you wanna do?" 

Carlos shrugged, then looked out the window. Suddenly, he gasped, and looked at me. "We should go swimming!" 

I laughed a bit. "Alright, sure." 

Carlos was practially bouncing in his seat. I glanced over to see a huge smile playing across his lips. He was so adorable when he gets like this. All excited over something rediculous. 

We're just going to the pool. 


I came back out of the my room moments later, all ready to go. Swimtrunks on, and no shirt. Now I just need a towel...

I heard a gasp come from my left, and I glanced up. Carlos looked at me, a blush forming on his cheeks. I smiled, and walked over to him with two towels. I handed him one, and he mumbled a thanks. "So, are ya ready to get going?" 

Carlos nodded, as I looked at him. He was still wearing his t-shirt, and but he had his swimtrunks on. I raised an eyebrow, but then ignored it, and walked away, and over to the door. I opened it, and he walked out, and I did too. 

After shutting the door behind me, I ran up to catch up to Carlos. We walked in silence to the elevator. But, in the middle of the way there, Carlos broke the silence. "Kendall, can I ask you something?"

I looked over at him, as we stopped walking. "Yeah, ask away." 

Carlos bit his lip, looking down at his feet. "D-do you ever feel lonely?"

I shrugged. "Sure I do."

"No, no... like you need something there to hold you, and tell you things are gonna be okay..." he said, tears starting to form in his eyes. 

"Woah, woah Carlos... don't cry. What's wrong?" 

Tears fell this time though. "I've been having nightmares everynight, Kendall... they won't go away... and I have no one there to tell me it's gonna be okay, or anything. I lay there and cry until the crying sooths me back to sleep..." 

My jaw dropped slightly. I felt my own tears starting to form. "C-carlos... you could have woken me up. I would have been there for you."

Carlos shook his head. "I didn't wanna wake you... I didn't wanna disturb you're sleep..." 

I  rolled my eyes slightly. "Carlos... what were you dreaming about?" 

He gulped. This wasn't going to end well. "This.... this person stabbed me. Repeatedly, because... I-I-I told them I loved them.."

My jaw dropped. "C-carlos that's horrible! Why would someone do that? All because you told them you loved them..." 

Carlos nodded, his tears coming down harder. "I know! B-but... but...who it was..."

When You Say Nothing At All... [ James Maslow / Kenlos Love Story ]Where stories live. Discover now