Chapter Five "Therapy".

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Three months later....

I heard a knock at the door and I hurriedly answered. I peeped through the hole and saw my estranged husband along with our two boys. I opened the door quickly to save them from the pouring rain. Rah had the boys for the weekend and I had to call them back early so I could take Trey to see is biological father, Xavier. It was weird because every time we had scheduled a visit, Xavier would cancel, it was frustrating for me because I was ready to get the first visit over with.

"Mommy!" They both ran into my arms, Trey slowly waddling behind Jah. They always missed me while they were at Rah's even though with him they basically had free reign. I kissed them both as the ran off.

"Wait for your brother Jah, he's a baby..." I spoke as they rushed to the play room. I stood up to meet Raheem's gaze.

"How you been?" He asked me. I stared at him awkwardly. At first, we were still sleeping together, and leaving our feelings at the door. But soon, it got hard for me to just not talk about how I was feeling and I just wanted to cut all ties until he got more social. Rah is weak, even though I'm the crybaby of our relationship, he has issues with going without sex, so it was no surprise to me when I found out he was back fucking Kita, it was a surprised though, that I wasn't upset.

"I'm okay,me and Trey goin to see Xavier a little later, Ima let Jah go over granny's." I quickly explained, like he was my man and he needed to know my whereabouts. Rachel claimed he still was, but I started feeling this disconnect between us.

"Be safe, make sure he don't harm my son man."

"Yeah, I will...." I mumbled as we stood there.

"I saw ya girl, Tara the other day and Jamal. They been around a lot." He told me.

"Oh yeah? I haven't really kept up with her much since nursing school. You know, I start my new job in a few days..." I told him.

"That's good , that's real good. Soon you not gone have not excuse to call ya husband, huh?" He joked. I wasn't laughing though.

"That's the plan, Baby." I turned and walked towards the playroom to check on the boys, he could let himself out.


That evening, I drove out to some rental property Xavier owned. There was suppose to be some representative of the state there for the visit to supervise. This was all requested by mXavier because he claims I'm 'hostile'...right. I pulled up to the nice house in a suburb of Cleveland. The place was beautiful, as I assumed it would be. I got out and lifted Trey out of his car seat. He was asleep during the ride there, but now he was wide awake, but he was quietly playing with some toy Rah bought him. Him and Jahiem are opposites Jah is my wild, loud child, while he is funny acting and he keeps to himself aside from immediate family.

"Hello, I'm Daniel Lincoln and I'm a representative of the state, Xavier Greene has requested that I be here during this visit." The tall white man greeted me at the door, Trey clung to my leg at the sight of him, I picked up my baby and we walked into the marble floored home. The place was lovely and very large. Xavier put a lot of work into a vacation home. We walked through many rooms before finally going to a kitchen which lead to a patio. Outside, I saw my ex-fiancé sitting at a picnic style table, drinking. When we opened the door and he noticed us he looked up, I couldn't really read his expression.

"I plan to sit over there, I will not step in or call any one as long as the visit stays calm. You guys can talk About whatever I am not here to monitor speech, I am here to make sure certain speech is not taken out of context." He explained I nodded as I sat Trey on the bench across from Xavier, then I sat as well.

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