Chapter Thirteen.

Start from the beginning

Van shrugs. "It's not my fault that I get lonely on the floor," he flashes me a grin. "Why don't we just skip the extra step and I sleep in your bed with you."

"How about I go stay at your house and you can stay here."

He shakes his head. "Are you really that afraid of- HEY, what is that on your shirt?!"

I look down at my shirt and smile. "Superman," I answer. "I have my Superman underwear on too."

"I'm gonna need some proof." Van says grinning.

I roll my eyes. "You're such a pervert."

"You love it though."

I shake my head. "I do not, now will you go?"

"Let's watch a movie," he says out of nowhere.

"You're so ADD sometimes," I say between laughs.

He smiles, "I know, so what do you say? Me, you, the couch, some popcorn, Fight Club?"

Fight Club is probably my favorite movie, not to mention that Brad Pitt was younger in it and he is some major eye candy. "Are you seriously using my favorite movie as a way to be forgiven? That is so not fair. I love that movie and you're going to ruin it for me."

"Okay, then lets go somewhere," he says. "I promised I'd make tomorrow night up to you. I keep my promises."

No you don't. "I don't want you to," I tell him, getting off my bed and walking over to my docking system with my black iPod classic sitting on it. I turn it on and turn on the song 'afterlife' by Avenged Sevenfold. "You see, if you weren't such a pansy-ass, we would get to go hear this live, but no, Kendall is more important to you than Avenged Sevenfold," I say, only joking.

"I'm sorry, Abby, I can't cancel with her, I have to go, she's my girlfriend," he replies quietly as I lay back down on my bed.

"I know, I was just joking."

"Then why do I feel so shitty for canceling on you."

"Because I'm more awesome than Kendall, duh," I say, joking again.

"Abby...don't make me choose between you two."

"There's nothing that you have to choose between, but if there were, you have chosen," I reply, simply while getting under the covers.

I feel Vans' arm slip around my waist under the covers. "Abbykins, please don't be mad at me anymore...I said I was sorry."

That's true. He did say he was sorry. I guess he was being honest with me when he canceled, he could've said that he had somewhere else to be, but he told me the truth. I guess that does count for something right? Or am I just trying to give myself reasons because I don't want to lose him. I mean, it's not like he's done anything horrendously bad, he just canceled on me. Which I've done to him, just not as many times as he's done to me.

"Fine, I'm not mad at you anymore, are you happy?" I question

"Very," he answers and pulls me in closer to him. "So, tell me about this moron your dating," he say, changing the subject.

"Van, you're more of a moron than he is. And he's nice, like really nice."

"I bet he opened your doors for you," Van mocks.

"And pulled out my chair," I add.

"Do you guys actually have anything in common?" Van asks, like there's no way we could.

I nod. "He likes the frosting over the cupcake, Superman over Batman, and Chocolate milk over strawberry milk. We're perfect."

"Okay, so you guys have a few things in common," Van admits. "But how was the kiss?"

I gulp. "What kiss?"

"He kissed you, didn't he?"

"He kissed me back," I correct. "And it was awesome, best kiss ever," I say, adjusting my pillow.

Van laughs. "You're such a liar, the kiss sucked and you know it. I told you that you didn't like this guy."

"This kiss didn't suck, granted, I've had better, but it didn't suck. It was just one little kiss."

"Whoa, whoa, hold the phone, did you just say the word 'little' in this bed? We do NOT say the word 'little' in this bed, got it?" he says, seriously-joking.

I laugh roll over to face him. "Little! Little! Little!" I yell. "Are you self-conscious about your size Van? What ever happened to size doesn't matter?"

"Oh, it matters big time," Van replies, emphasizing the word 'big'.

"It's not about the size, it's what you do with it that counts," I say in between a fit of laughter.

He laughs. "If a guy ever tells you that, don't buy it."

"I hate to beLITTLE your opinion, but I don't agree," I smile, emphasizing the word 'little' again.

Then Van rolls on top of me so that he's straddling me and starts tickling me. I cant help but laugh. What else are you supposed to do when somebody is tickling the hell out of you? "Say I'm right and I'll stop," Van says.

"Never!" I shout, still laughing.

"Then I guess you'll just have to suffer the consequences," Van chuckles.

"Vannnn!" I groan. "Come...on...stop...please," I choke out through laughs.

He stops and leans in closer. "Fine, but only because you said please,

he says huskily.

Just his voice alone just sends shivers down my spine. His eyes are looking straight down into mine. Oh my god, please don't let me kiss me again. I don't know how much longer I can take this crap. He has a girlfriend, why can't he spend as much time with her as he does with me? It would make it a lot easier on me. Maybe if Van and I took a break, things would be a lot easier

"Van?" I say, interrupting the silence and breaking away from his gaze.

Van, still looking at me asks, "yeah?"

"Um, can you get off of me?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry," he says, finally getting off of me and standing on the ground. "You know, I actually think that I'm going to go stay over at my house after all."

"But my floor will be lonely," I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

He smiles half heartedly and says, "I don't think it's such a good idea, I'll um, see you tomorrow. I be over bright an early. After tomorrow we only have one more detention Saturday detention."

I smile. "That's an exciting thought."

"I know. I'll be over around six and you better be up," he says, reaching my bedroom door to sleep.

I shake my head. "And miss your lovely wake-up calls?" I joke again.

Van chuckles. "I'll see tomorrow, Abbs," he says, then leaves my room.

"Bye," I whisper, even though he can't here me.

I was supposed to stay mad at him, but how am I supposed to stay mad at him when he acts like he does when nobody else is involved.

Van and I have been fighting an awful lot lately, ever since that kiss and I just want it to stop, I don't want to fight with him anymore. Hating him is much harder than liking him and I'm beginning to see that. As much as I want to hate him, I just can't. I've spent so much time trying to hate him because I know that if I don't hate him then there's only one reason why. Because I love him. That's the one thing I've never told a guy, much less even felt it.

Eventually, these feelings will go away if I just keep pushing them into the back of my mind. That's all I have to do; just make these things that I'm obviously not going to say, go away.

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