C H A P T E R 24

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"You haven't seen her for years, Ruen! This is practically your first dinner together in a long time and all you say is 'we'll just eat and run'?"

"Because that's what happens during dinner, right? People eat and run home full."

"Wow, your family's something?"

"Is it so different from yours?"

Is it?

"Uhmm well, we eat together, share stories and a good old fashion laugh... after, my dad and I would play a game of chess while Michael regales us with tales of his conquest."

"Conquest?" Her eyes twinkled in mischievous delight.

"Not that! Get your head out of the gutter." I threw a fry at her. "Michael travels a lot, mostly to the farthest places I swear I couldn't even find on the map."

"That must be great..." She picked the fry I threw at her off the table and put it in her mouth.

"Yeah, it must be for a carefree bloke like him." I chuckled at a memory of one of his stories.

"So..." Rubbing pizza crumbs off her hands, she finally asked. "What set you off? Issues on the set?"

"Oh? Diverting?"

"Guilty and so are you." She pointed at me with fry at hand. "I am asking because I care for you." She ate it and reached for another.

"You care?"

Does she care for me?

Hearing those words brought a warm feeling on my chest.

"I care about why I almost had my head split open by a flying phone?" She joked. I lightly punched her arm. "Ow... ok. Ok. I care about you being upset."

"That wasn't so bad was it?" I smiled at her.

"So tell me who pissed you off and I'll have the body bag ready." She rubbed her hands together and tried to look sinister while doing it.

"Wow, threatening bodily harm? Underneath that cool exterior is a cold-blooded..." Again, she cut me off with another kiss. A heated one at that.

She broke the kiss and sucked on my neck, glad after eliciting a moan from me as she placed a hand under my shirt. She placed it below my breast and her thumb brushing against my bra covered nipple.

"Warm enough?" She stopped and pulled back after placing a peck on my lips.

"Hmmm hmmm..."

For a moment, I lost all coherent thoughts as Ruen laughed and went back to eating.

That was...

"Now, spill." She prodded.

I exhaled and tried to gather the burnt pieces of my scrambled brain.

"They wrote a lesbian plot for Kristina." I blurted out.

She kept chewing on her pizza waiting for me to elaborate.

"You're angry about it because?" She finally asked when I said nothing else.

Wasn't it self-explanatory?

I didn't reply so she kept on.

"Are you angry because they're making Kristina a lesbian or because they're pegging you as a lesbian?" She dipped a fry on cheese.

"I... what?"

"Why are you angry? I don't understand." She took a bite of the cheese-covered fry.

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