my weird dream

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Edit: I'm leaving this in so I don't forget it

So yesterday I woke up from the weirdest dream! I was at first at some sort of party (maybe) and then I left with someone and we ended up magically changing clothes and jumping across roofs! Then we landed in a pool! Apparently we knew them. After a while we jumped into two other pool.

Eventually we where going somewhere and I was sorta behind them ,but then I had to change clothes. So I went into some sort of thing that changes my clothes to however I want! Apparently there was a kid watching me (he was probably 5-7 years old( btw it makes it so your instantly wearing the clothes)) and he got his friend. Once I was done I got out and yelled at them (because this was something secret) and the girl/boy that he got ran of. He stayed and questioned me.

I somehow made the thing shrink so I carried it in one hand and grabbed the little boys hand (he was leading me to the restaurant my friends where going to! We got lost and it eventually ended up night time. We got a car which eventually was his moms (he's lost)! Eventually we found my friends and his mom and I had genie (yes from Aladdin) drive us to there house which was in some really creepy woods! Eventually the woman and her son switched to someone that I know and her son. Also my cousin Alex was there for a few minutes of this! Eventually the car turned into a boat like you would use on a roller coaster and genie disappeared.

Evidently we where on an old track from a mad scientist ride. That's how you got to there house. After a while I was like 'is it over's eventually I woke up before anything else could happen! Which I wish didn't happen
And there we go my crazy dream!

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