Chapter 5 ~ The Prophecy

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Oakstar left Fourtrees, heading for the ThunderClan border. He didn't know how ThunderClan would react to a rival leader being so shaken, but he had to talk to her. He had to tell her what he knew.

He didn't have to wait long before a patrol approached him. "Oakstar," Lionheart greeted. "What can we do for you?"

Oakstar's voice came out like an embarrassing squeak. "I-" He stopped and swallowed before continuing, "I need to speak with Bluestar. It's urgent."

Lionheart grunted. "She went into her den once we returned from welcoming you and hasn't come out since. We can try and get her to talk to you, but if she doesn't want to, then you must leave immediately. Understand?"

Oakstar nodded and stepped over the border. The ThunderClan cats surrounded him as they began heading to their camp. For a brief moment, Oakstar wondered what his life would have been like if he had switched Clans like he had originally suggested to Bluestar. If he'd joined, and she became leader and made him deputy...But then, he shook the thought away. She'd been right - he would never have truly been able to be a leader. ThunderClan would have never been able to trust him because of his ties to RiverClan.

Before he knew it, the cats were at the entrance to the ThunderClan camp. As he pushed through the thorn tunnel, he winced at the thorns scraping against his sides. When he emerged, several of ThunderClan's cats stared at him. Lionheart walked forward a few paces and then stopped. "Wait here," he ordered before padding across to Highrock, waiting for a few moments, and then entering.

Oakstar settled himself, tucking his tail around his paws. Please, StarClan. Let me talk to her.

His heart leapt in his throat when Lionheart came out of the den. A sigh of relief escaped his jaws as the golden-furred warrior gave him a nod. As much as he wanted to sprint to her, he kept his composure and padded calmly towards her den. As he came to the ferns, he thought he could see her hunched figure near the back of the den.

Her voice rang clearly. "Come in."

He moved hesitantly, unsure of how she would react to him coming to her camp so soon after being at his.

"What is it you want, Oakstar?" The blue-grey she-cat's voice was crisp; not a single hint of affection showed as she turned to face him before settling, tucking her tail around her paws. "After the spectacle in your camp, I would have assumed you would have stayed to watch over your Clanmates and deliver the appropriate punishment."

Two can play this game. "That I did," Oakstar replied, sitting across from her. "But I did not come here to discuss the welcoming."

Bluestar radiated hostility."Then why did you come?" 

Oakstar hesitated.


Swallowing down his fear, he mewed, "StarClan gave me a vision... at least, I think they did."

"And why are you coming to me?" Her tone turned soft, as if she was explaining something to a small kit. "See, Oakstar, when you have a vision, you go to your medicine cat. Not a rival leader. It's protocol."

Oakstar bristled, frustrated. "Can you stop being such a pain in the tail and listen to me?!" Sighing, he added, "It's important... please, Bluestar?"

Bluestar stared him down through narrow eyes. She was clearly irritated, but mewed, "Fine." Just as Oakstar was about to speak, she continued, "On the condition that you leave immediately after."

Oakstar nodded. He was glad he'd gotten her to listen, even if it meant he'd had to beg. Somehow, he knew it wasn't right to tell her he'd seen how she was going to die - as painful as a burden that was to bear alone. So, he decided to only tell Bluestar about the blood and fighting.

Bluestar watched him coolly. Her expression gave nothing away as he began, "In my vision, I was climbing up the riverbank. I coughed up a mouthful of water. And then the stench of blood hit my nose. I looked up, and I saw cats battling up ahead of me. But, they weren't just battling - they were killing each other!  Water stained with blood surrounded their paws, and cracks of thunder and lighting constantly filled the air and sky. Then the water and blood rushed around my paws and began to rise. But just before I went under, it stopped, and a clear voice spoke: "Darkness will rise, and the blinded storm will find a place among the stars"."

Bluestar's gaze narrowed. Her tail swished from side to side and her fur bushed out. Oakstar quickly got to his paws and backed up a couple of steps. "Bluestar?" he mewed.

Her mew was quiet. "There was absolutely no reason for you to come here and tell me this, Oakstar."

"But, it could concern our Clans-"

"Or it could just concern your own!" Bluestar's voice grew loud and hard. "Like I said to you before you told me your vision, you should have gone to your medicine cat, not to me." She moved closer to him and snarled, "You've made yourself and your Clan look weak." Stepping back, she continued, "Crookedstar was wrong about you. You're not a leader, you're a stupid, stupid cat who lets his emotions get in the way of leading his Clan. I can tell you now that you most certainly would not have thrived under my rule as deputy!"

Oakstar was shocked into silence. Then, he shook with anger, and he straightened up; bushing out his fur. The ThunderClan leader met his gaze, but he saw her flinch. Oakstar moved forward, letting his anger take control. He growled, "You know very well that Crookedstar was a strong leader. He kept our secret till the very end. If it weren't for Snowfur, you would have never won against him." 

Bluestar's eyes widened, and she bristled all the more. Oakstar stepped back. "Besides," he continued, "I wouldn't want to serve under an irrational, psychotic leader who does things like take kits out of a camp in the middle of a blizzard in leaf-bare, or force elders out of their rightful rest to accompany them on a patrol." He looked at her for one more moment; watched as her eyes widened and her fur laid flat and her mouth parted, then shook his head and snarled, "I'm done here," and left the den.

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