Chapter 45 - Visionary

Start from the beginning

"You don't think I can do that on my own?"

"You don't know her, Deucalion. You might recognise her when you see her, but until then you don't know what you're looking for. You don't know her scent. You don't know how she hunts, you don't know what to say to stop her from shooting you... or believing you. But she'll believe us."

It took a moment, a long silent moment, but he nodded. "Tell me."

And so I did. I told him everything I knew. From the Hales, to the fire, to Kate... to her reeducation and scars. I told him about Peter and then I told him about her sending word to Jordan. And how I wasn't sure, that he said it was an anonymous tip, but it could have only been her. It had to have come from someone within the Calavera's ranks and she was the only one that would. I told him everything I had ever been told about Selene Corbeau and everything I had seen in Mexico. And he listened. He never said a word, he simply listened. It was only when I was done, finishing off with how I wasn't sure if she had been the one to give Jordan the anonymous tip, that he finally spoke.

"How do I find her?" He asked.

"You haven't promised yet, Deucalion. And considering the negative history between you and all of us... you're going to have to do something a little more substantial than making a verbal promising."

Kyle's hand twitched yet again, silencing our conversation as I quickly moved back over to him.


Theo and Stiles.

Stiles ran after Theo, following his lead to Lydia as the werewolf tracked her by sound. Hers and Valak's voices echoing through the pipes.

"This teenager, Lydia, is the last genetic Chimera." He was saying. "A young man or a young woman, maybe even someone you know. A success where Theo and the others were failures."

"But we went through the list of genetic Chimeras. There's no one else."

"There must be one you missed. Another way they could have two sets of DNA. If you could see the face of this teenager, discover its identity, then your friends would have a fighting chance."

"There. In there." Theo nodded to a door at the end of a corridor as he and Stiles rounded the corner.

"The mask can help you see." Valak said.

"Lydia!" Stiles yelled as Theo begun to slam into the door, trying to break it down.
"What the hell are you doing? Get the door." Stiles turned on Theo who was failing at trying to open it.

"I'm trying." He shot back as the sound of a banshee was beginning to rise on the other side, growing louder and louder until the sound broke free, causing both the human and wolf to cover their ears.

Then it cut out, ringing dead silent as a thud was heard on the other side. Theo reached for the door again and this time the handle effortlessly broke off. Theo looked down at the handle in his hand as Stiles charged through, swinging the door open and running past Valak's dead body that looked like a shot gun had blasted off the corner of his head.

Stiles grabbed Lydia, muttering at her to just shut up and let him save her life while Theo looked down on the dead body and the blood that surrounded it. He continued to stare even after Stiles had run out the door with Lydia, his attention drifting to a mask that looked like it belong to one of the Dread Doctors.

Anna POV.

"Kyle, I need you to calm down." I was saying as he crawled backwards, flipping off the table and then half running back a few more paces.

"What happened? Where am I? I... I..."

"I know. I know it's confusing, I know you're in pain." Almost on cue he winced as his hand cramped and he opened and closed his fingers. His blood was still trying to regenerate his body and there were pieces that still weren't healed properly, but for the most part he was okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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