"What do you mean?! Have you never been to a high school party?!"

I shrugged
"Well yes. But not here. This is my first RICH one."

She giggled a few times then grabbed onto my shoulders. Looking deeply into my eyes
"You are a gorgeous teenager, in a killer outfit. Trust me, You will do fine. Now we are going to go in there, drink as much as we can and get wasted, and dance our asses off. Yeah?!"

Jeez. Now I know she's done this before

A huge smiled crossed her face as she grabbed my hand and led me inside the house.

There was literal fog everywhere from fog machines and cosmic lights flashing through the rooms. Everyone was dancing and drinking, or playing some kind of game. I could hardly move from the amount of bodies that were clashing with mine.

"I'm gonna go dance!!! Have fun!!" Angie yelled at me, before I could stop her from leave Gn me, she made her way into the dance floor and started dancing immediately with a random guy

"Well so much for sticking together.." I muttered quietly so no one would hear.

I wondered around the entire house, making myself familiar with it, in case of any emergency...

Of course half of the house I didn't go through because...
1.) it was an enormous house
2.) there were moans coming from all of the rooms...

I decided to go into the back. It wasn't any less crowded, but there were places that were still deserted.

Walking out towards the backyard, dodging as many bodies as I could and avoiding the massive pool. I came across a small little bench and cobble stones leading up to it.

Surprisingly no one was there making out or having sex on it, so I claimed the spot before anyone else could..
I held my dress to the back of my legs and sat down. It was pretty nice. The party was good, I can tell you that. But I guess a nerd isn't really supposed to be in this type of environment..

"Hey there..."
I snapped myself out of the daze and looked up from the cobble stones to see a very tall man standing in front of me. He looked to be in highs school still, maybe a senior. He had dirty blonde hair and a pretty damn good body from the looks of it

do not drool in front of this guy!

He was holding two red solo cups, probably filled with alcohol
"Do you mind if I join you?"

Well he seems nice...

"No, not at all." I smiled and scooted over so that he could take up the rest of the bench..
He nodded happily and took the seat next to me. When I looked at his smile I could see small dimples on the sides of his face. I wasn't for sure because of the darkness but I was pretty sure his eyes were a hazel green.

"So. I'm assuming parties aren't exactly your thing..." he spoke, which made me laugh

"Uh no. Not really I guess"

"Oh um. I'm Jacob" he smiled, reaching his hand out for me.

I accepted the gesture and returned a smile
"I'm Athena"

"Wow. That's a beautiful name, it fits you."
My cheeks felt warm as I could already tell that they were getting super red

I looked down without any hesitation before he could see how red I was
"Thank you"

"Hey, I got you this drink." I looked back up at him, gaining control of my hormonal face and looked at the drink
"Don't worry. It's soda. I didn't think you'd want alcohol"

The Quarterbacks Kryptonite...  (SEQUEL IS UP) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora