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I feel like the Delinquents shared their story and it should finally come to a somewhat happy ending 😭. I'm really gonna miss writing this book because it probably was one of my favorites of all time to write. I'm really sorry if you enjoyed this book but their story has been told and it's a good place to stop and let their legacy live on😭. Rip group.

I think it was right that the group ends on goodish bad terms and go their separate ways. It's for the best my doods😭. But don't worry......I got a little treat for you all.

Yes their legacy will live on but what if it lived on even longer😈. I can't tell what treat I have for you all but it will be out very soon.

Love you all as always and stay tuned for a treat coming your way very very soon and it might be even better😆. Love you lots.

Love your pal,

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