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(HolisticDirktective added NotyourWatson, Drummergirl, and MsBadBlack to the conversation)

HolisticDirktective: Hi!

NotyourWatson: Dirk, what is this?

HolisticDirktective: A group chat!

NotyourWatson: Why?

HolisticDirktective: Because

NotyourWatson: Because Why?

HolisticDirktective: Because I can

Drummergirl: nice one dirk

HolisticDirktective: *Dirk

NotyourWatson: Amanda!

Drummergirl: todd.

NotyourWatson: ?

MsBadBlack: Hi guys

HolisticDirktective: Hi Farah!

MsBadBlack: Can I add some more people?

HolisticDirktective: Sure.

(MsBadBlack added IWANTMYDOG, Iwasadog, Rapawnzel, Howdidthishappen, and KillerHolistic to the conversation)

NotyourWatson: Farah, Why and how did you add the dog?


MsBadBlack: Uh, I don't know??

Iwasadog: I spent-like 5 days in that dogs body, it better knows how to type!

Rapawnzel: hi 🙂😋🐾

Howdidthishappen: How is that dog typing??

KillerHolistic: keN!!!!

Howdidthishappen: how did she get ahold of a phone...?

MsBadBlack:  I honestly don't know...

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