Calm before the Storm

Start from the beginning

"Rossweisse?" I question. Rossweisse didn't hear me over her own crying. "I'll take care of this, you girls try to help Irina settle in. Find a room on the 4th floor for her"

The girls nod and head into the elevator. I look back over to Rossweisse.

"Rossweisse, why are you still here?" I say and Rossweisse hears me through her crying.

"I was left behind" She cries " I don't know why I'm crying, I should be used to this by now, it's not like any other man has wanted me by their side so why would my own boss!"

I sit next to her as she cried to herself and thought.

"And I now realize that she needs a girl to talk to her, not me. How about I change the topic?"

"Soo Rossweisse, How old are you?" I ask.

"19" She sobs.

"19?" I questioned "I thought you a bit older than that based on your appearance, i thought you were in your 20s"

She started crying harder, meaning a said something wrong "Why does everyone think I'm old!"

"I didn't mean it like that!" I tell her "What I meant was that you have natural beauty plus a more mature body, Making you look a bit older than you actually are"

"What did you say?" She asked quietly as her crying softened and turned her head towards me, giving me her attention.

"Fuck, I said something wrong didn't I!"

"That you look older than you actually are?" I say nervously, thinking I'm skating on thin ice.

"No, before that" Rossweisse says as she wipes her tears with the sleeve of her suit.

"You have natural beauty?" I question.

"Do you really meant that?" She asks me while hiding her lower face in her knees.

"Yes?, why would I lie about something like that"

"It's just.....that's the first time a guy has actually said that to me..." She replied.

"How is that even possible?, Your beautiful and from what I've been told, your pretty smart also. If a guy has turned you down or anything like that, their flat out stupid" I tell her.

"Your a really nice guy you know that?" She tells me while pulling her face out of her knees.

"So I have been told" I say.

"Is it okay if I stay here, since you know, I was left behind? I don't want to be a burden to you or the others"

"It isn't a problem, I have enough room. You can stay in the guest bedrooms, their right down the hall" I say while motioning to the hall.

We then both stand up "Okay, thanks" she says then starts walking away "one more thing" she turns back to me me with red cheeks and she quickly kisses me on my left cheek before running into one of the guest bedrooms, leaving me there dumb founded.

"Do I have like Charisma rank A or soemthing?" I say to myself while scratching the back of my head.

(Tell me if you get it)

I get up and walked over to the kitchen to start preparing dinner, as I did, Rias talks to me through a communication circle.

"Can you make sure you make enough dinner for the entire ORC, we will be eating dinner together as a small welcoming party for Irina" Rias says.

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