connor kenway x reader

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Imagine Learning that Connor is a Werewolf

“Promise me you will not come down here until tomorrow morning,” said Connor, “You do not need to know why. Just do as I ask and we will both be fine.”

“I promise,” said Y/N, silencing her curiosity and questions. She had been asking him, more than once, why he needed to be chained and locked up for the night, but he never gave an answer.

Chained to the basement wall, Connor seemed so harmless, vulnerable even. Yet his secrecy suggested danger. This was much like Connor himself. One could never be sure what to expect from him, and this was exactly what made him so intoxicating.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she leaned forward and kissed him. Then she left the basement with the key of his bondage safe within her pocket.

Soon night fell, and she heard a long, painful wail from the basement that made her shudder. She wanted to go down and made sure he was safe. However, she promised him not to, so she grabbed a book to distract herself from the thought. Unfortunately, the book failed to distract her. As the hero fell into the enemy’s trap, she thought about Connor and wonder if he, too, was in harm’s way.

Finally, she put the book down, no longer able to fight the anxiousness. She took her pistol and looked around. Full moon cast fearsome shadows through the window, and she checked them to see if any of them belonged to a stranger.  Then she proceeded to the basement.

There he was, or rather, a creature that only had a trace of him in the face! His shirt was all torn and tattered. Covered in fur and crawling on all fours, one wouldn’t believe this had been human just hours ago. He bared his sharp fangs and growled upon seeing her.

Y/N ran upstairs and closed the basement door. She knew what that was. Connor was a werewolf. She should have known. His strength was too great and his senses were too acute for that of a mere human. There was also something animalistic within him that she had always felt even in the gentlest of his expressions. She went to sleep, no longer concerned. He’d be back to his human self soon enough.

She woke up at the crack of dawn, as not to keep him in chains for too long. Connor is now human again, but he still growled and bared his fangs when he saw her.

“Why did you come? I told you not to come! You promised not to!” he yelled.

“You sounded like you’re in pain and I was worried!” she yelled back, “You can’t blame me for that!”

“And now you are going to leave me forever! You mortals abhor us! I…”

She locked his face in her hands and pressed her lips against his to shut him up. “I’m sorry I broke my promise,” she said with a softened voice, “But I won’t leave. Forgive me?”

“You won’t?” Connor’s eyes widened.

“No, I won’t,” she assured, holding him tight, “Next month, though, you will be chained here naked. Can’t have you ruin another good shirt!”

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