reader x Edward kenway stormy waters

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Time was so obscure when at sea. Weeks could pass, and your mind would lose track of what month it was until you found yourself back at port. It was a carefree life—something you felt you always wanted or maybe needed, but at the same time your anxiety was high at the idea of being caught and dragged off to a prison to await execution for your crimes. Edward promised, many months ago, that he wouldn’t allow that, but you couldn’t help but worry all the same.

But, he has kept you out of trouble so far…right?

There were some occurrences were you worried he wouldn’t be able to get to you in time, but that was all because the guards were starting to recognize you more and more around certain ports and associated you with the Jackdaw crew, and neither of you expected that to happen. Heck, he even promised that it probably wouldn’t. It wasn’t like you were dressed like part of a pirate crew, and this did make escaping some situations hard with nice looking clothes.

When it kept occurring, you finally put your foot down on the matter and asked for something a bit more pirate like in appearance, so as to make escaping a bit easier should you need to.

“You could also teach me how to protect myself, you know,” you yelled at him later that evening in the captain’s quarters, but it seems your words always went unnoticed lately, as this wasn’t the first time you asked him to train you.

“That’s enough of that.” Edward’s voice was stern, or was he disinterested? It was hard to tell since he was too damn busy studying that map of his.

Your hands reached the circular table and slammed down not far from where his eyes were locked in an eager means to get his attention. It worked, for he jolted from his concentrated pose and looked at you fiercely. “I am serious, Edward!” Your eyes narrowed to match his own disapproving stare you would find yourself met with. “I don’t need you always coming to save me. I need to learn to use a damn sword at least!”

His expression was more obviously becoming anger oriented, but you refused to back down. You knew him better than his own crew. While he was a pirate, he was fair in his ways—at least you felt so—and did what he figured was best. The only time you could hardly stand him was when he went out drinking, and how he would come falling onto the Jackdaw with hardly a coin sack of sense in his actions. At home, you could kick him out of the bar at least and tell him to enjoy his headache in the morning, but here, you were locked in the same quarters with him since he refused to allow you to sleep below deck with his crew members.

“I told you that I would keep you out of trouble,” Edward reminded you with a frustrated gesture of his hand at nothing in particular. “And yet, here you stand, trying to get me to teach you the ways of my crew.” His voice sounded like some scolding parent, but you weren’t about to give up yet.

“You got me in trouble when you asked for me to board your ship,” you snapped back, getting closer to the captain and glaring at him with purpose. Your hands supporting your strength there on the table, you inched closer to him, as you were going to make sure you were heard. You wanted to no longer be the damsel in distress—you wanted to be part of his crew if that’s what his intention was those many months ago. “I am not your princess locked away in some dungeon for you to keep behind bars!”

It was obvious he took offense you would say such a thing, because his face was soon inches from yours, his chair scratched against the wooden boards as he took to his feet, and you could soon smell his horrible liquor stained breath. “I never said you bloody were!”

Your hands soon against his chest to push him away from you, you retaliated boldly. “You are acting like it!”

Silence. All that could be heard was your labored breath from having mustered what courage you could to stand up to the infamous pirate, and he too apparently was huffing with annoyance at your choice of actions. Your body was tense and your face a flustered red, yet you didn’t even take into account that he was a pirate (childhood friend or not), and he could do whatever he wanted with you if he desired. Maybe you put faith in the idea he was not that kind of man.

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