Chapter 1. She is mystery itself

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Calisto's (POV)

I was reading manga in my room, alone

I decided to listen to black veil brides- wake up with my MP3 player as I read my Tokyo Ghoul RE manga

"Haise....fuck you and I don't care about your life. You just stole Kaneki's body and life you fucking dumbass *sighs* your just him but with amnesia. This is all Arima's fault." I said to myself

The thing I hate about Tokyo Ghoul in that fucking Arima caused Ken to have amnesia and rebirthed him into Haise Sasaki. Now Haise thinks that Kaneki is like a dead memory that he should not remember

Enough about that! I'm so bored. I need to find some way to entertain me but what?

I really wanted to do something drastic but it's not even worth it

Calisto Xio Long? What a lame last name! I need to change my last name

But I can do that later

Right now I want to talk to my boo boo bear~

Right now I want to talk to my boo boo bear~

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This is Marlo~! Ain't he hot~?!😍😍😍

I call Marlo

I began to get impatient right away and finally he answers

"Yes baby?" He asked if something was wrong with me

"I feel SOOOOO bored! Any ideas on slaying thy boredom?" I asked him

" bout some practice with your survivalist skills? That way you can increase your chances against Tatsuya!" Marlo told me

"Hmmmm....not a bad idea

It wasn't a bad idea to begin with....but I liked it

"Thanks babe." I said as I hanged up


Everyone's (POV)

Calisto finished her training and went to talk to Devon

"Sup Devon!" Calisto said to him

"Hey Calisto! What's up?" He asked her

"The usually, training to beat that piece of shit Tatsuya." She told him

"Look I don't think you should fight him." Devon suggested

"Why not?!" She asked him as she began to get pissed off

"Because once you beat him he's probably gonna go through hard shit just like Yu, Minato and Akira!" Devon explained

"Your only saying that because you don't want newcomers like me to take down strong people like Tatsuya! I mean Clyde defeated Goku! So why can't I beat Tatsuya?! Your so full of shit Devon! Fuck you and FUCK TATSUYA!" Calisto snapped at him

Calisto left


Calisto went to a legal place where you can change your name or last name even your middle name

She went to a vendor

"Which name you want to change?" The vendor asked

"My last name please." She asked politely

"What is it?" The vendor asked

"Xio Long." Calisto told her

The vendor started doing some typing


The vendor hands Calisto a paper with a couple documents

"There you go mam, now all you have to do is tell me your new last name." The vendor told her

"Makoto." Calisto told her

The vendor signed her last new last name on the most important document

"Ok mam your free to go." The vendor told her

Calisto bowed in thanks and left

"From this day forth.....I am a new person.....a new hedgehog.....a new.....*pupils turn red and the eyeballs turn black* Hellbringer!!!!" Calisto announced as she used her demon powers to fly up in the air and returned back to the mansion

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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