Chapter Seven

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The next day was Saturday, and I was so so happy, he was coming over again. I felt so in love. I had never felt like this before. He was such an amazing guy. 

He worked until 9, and wouldn't reach my house until 10 p.m. I had already been in the living room waiting. I kept waiting and waiting. I came out here at 9, waiting on him in case he was early. It felt like 5 hours, but when he showed up I was so excited. 

Alexander and I were up until 2 a.m. We went back and fourth between making out and watching an action movie on netflix. It was super late, and I was yawning, but when he turned around to kiss me again, I was wide awake. It felt so good to be with him. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. We started making out and things got really heated. I quickly undid his pants, and he was excited all ready, if you know what i mean ;). 

After we had sex, we watched another movie, until I felt him start to twitch. He was doing this cute thing where he twitched every few seconds, because he was falling asleep. I started playing with his hair. It was so cute and fluffy. I started to feel my eyes droop so I closed them for a second, thinking about waking him up because I knew my mom wouldn't be happy if he stayed the night, but that's all i remember before drifting into the best sleep I had in awhile. 

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