Chapter Two

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The summer flew by, I went to my dads for awhile, but I couldn't stand his drinking. During the summer, I got into a relationship with someone who I thought I loved. His name was Austin. He was amazing to me, or so I thought. He cheated on me, over and over. The day before my freshman year, we broke up. I was a mess, I hated him so much. 

The first day of school I noticed him again. Alexander was on the bus with his head against the window sleeping, he looked so peaceful. I walked on the bus and realized the only seat open was next to him. I slowly walked to his seat and sat down, hoping he wouldn't wake up. To my luck, he didn't wake up until we got to school. 

A few weeks passed, I've said a few words to him, but we never had a real conversation. Then, I was talking about my friend, Pauline. I was telling Haylee how she has the biggest crush on him., and he overheard. He chucled once he realized who I was talking about. I don't know why he thought it was so funny. I shrugged it off. 

A few days later, I was at the park with Marie, and we were scrolling through Instagram when I found his account. Marie took my phone, and pressed follow, which sent him a request. I was so nervous, he was cute, but what if he thinks I'm weird? I yelled at her, but she laughed it off. 

Me and Marie were still talking, when I looked at my phone and realized he accepted. I hid my happiness, but inside I was jumping for joy. I ignored it as I continued talking with Marie about her boyfriend. She seemed so happy, I sat there wishing that would happen to me. I hoped to be happy one day. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was him, he messaged me. 

"Hey, who was that girl that you said liked me" -Alexander.

"Her name is Pauline, why?" -Me

"I was just wondering, lol" - Alexander. 

I just left it at that. 

A/N: I will try to update multiple times a week. Not sure yet. 

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