Chapter Thirteen:

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          While Klaus and Stefan torture Ray Sutton I grabbed a drunk or two to eat. I dropped the country bumpkin that I was draining and joined Klaus and Stefan, only because I'm bored. Stefan was throwing wolfsbane dipped darts at Ray trying their best to get information about the location of his wolf pack out of him. All of a sudden some girl walks up to Klaus. I used my vamp hearing to listen to what she was saying.

"Hello Mr. Klaus. I have some information for you. You told me to tell you if my friends saw anything that I should let you know. They saw that guys brother Damon at the farmhouse." Seriously she called him 'Mr. Klaus', are you kidding me.

"Well, thank you, Claudine. You just tell your friends to keep up the good work with the neighborhood watch, huh?"

    "My brother's still on our trail?" Stefan asked.

"He's getting closer. I'm gonna have to deal with that." Oh shit that can't be good. I better do something.

    "No, no, no, let me handle it."  Stefan said. I can't let Stefan do that.

        "No, Stefan, let me handle it. Damon will listen to me. So let me go, okay?" I pleaded with them.

"Why should I let you leave when I rather enjoy your company?"

        "I'm not here for your company, Klaus. I'm here to make sure Stefan doesn't get hurt or to be your compelled little 'lap dog' to do what ever his master wishes! Sorry that I had to use that expression for you, Stefan. I will be back because I promised Damon and Elena that I would be here to watch over Stefan and to keep him safe."

"Oh, well since you put it that way. Aren't you even having the least bit of fun?"

        "No, not really. I'm bored and if this is what you call fun, well, it's not because I'm bored out of my mind. I'll make sure that Damon doesn't bother us anymore." and with that I left them to finish torturing poor Ray.

          I headed out of the bar and happened to see a Mustang Convertible coming to a stop in front of the bar. I walked up to the car as the driver stepped out. "Hi there, that's a sweet car you have there." I said to the guy who got out.

"Thank you, but if you'll excuse me-"

        I grabbed him by the arm and looked him in the eyes while I said "You're gonna hand over your keys." I compelled.

"Here you go." He said in a monotone voice.

        "Now go into the bar and order the house around of drinks on you. Oh and stay at the bar to wait for me to arrive." After that he walked into the bar and I hopped into my new car, for now anyway, and headed for Mystic Falls, Virginia.


          I was about an hour and a half away from Mystic Falls when my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my back pocket and glanced at the caller i.d. to see that it was Jeremy.

        "Hey Jer, what's up?" I asked.

"Hey sis, I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and that I miss you. I tried calling earlier but I guess you were busy with the whole Klaus and Stefan thing."

        "Yeah, I was gonna call back but I was making sure that Stefan was doing okay and Klaus has us held up in some country bumpkin bar. But thanks for calling I miss you and the gang so much."

"We all miss you too. But it doesn't sound like you're in a bar, it sounds like you're driving."

        "Well yeah I am. Klaus needed me to run an errand for him."

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