Chapter Twelve:

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"What?" I asked while Klaus longingly stared at me.

"Well, if you must know" he came towards me. "There's something about you that's makes me want to-" he paused while looking me up and down.

"'Makes you want to' what?" I asked as I bit my lower lip.

"Ah, bloody hell." Klaus came closer and crashed his lips onto mine. Something inside me wanted more, and then he pressed me up against the wall of my hotel room.

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his hips, and a growl escaped his lips. The next thing I knew, he threw me onto the bed and in one swift movement we ripped one another's shirts off. As he hovered over me, he ran a hand down my back and with a flick of his fingers he sent my bra flying across the room.

A moan escaped my lips as he trailed kisses up my neck, to my chin, and then to my lips he said "I want you so much, Eliana." With one tug at my shorts, he ripped them off with ease. All that was left were my panties and with them he slowly pulled them off with his teeth. I moaned again.

"Oh, my god. Oh Klaus." As soon as I said that I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I felt my blood rush over my shoulder. As Klaus hovered over me again I came into a monstrous view. His eyes were a golden hue, and his fangs and mouth were covered in my blood, dripping down onto my chest.

Suddenly I woke up and my surroundings came back to me. I was in the car with Klaus and I immediately glared at him.

As I glared at Klaus I saw that he had a ghost of a smile on his face. "Klaus stay out of my head!" I yelled at him and he started laughing. "You know how I feel about that after the first couple of times you did it."

"I'm sorry, luv, but I thought you liked having those erotic dreams of me?"

"That was not a dream, they were more like nightmares than anything. That's besides the point, you know that I'm with Damon and I love him. You also know that he calls me everyday to check on me and Stefan."

"Yes and I also know that he's with Elena all by his lonesome."

"What exactly are you insinuating?" I asked and I admit that I was a little pissed off right now.

"All I'm saying, luv, is that I know what happened between Katerina and the Salvatore's. So what makes you think that there's nothing going on between Damon and Elena while you're here playing 'babysit the ripper'?"

"Because I trust Damon and I know that he wouldn't do that to me. It's Elena that I don't trust."

"Why don't you trust her, luv?"

"It's a very long story and I don't want to get into the details of my assorted affairs." As I said that my phone keep beeping indicating that I had messages.

"Please answer that." Klaus said annoyed.

I looked at my messages and they were all birthday wishes from everyone of my friends. I can't believe that it's my birthday already, I mean we have been away for two months and I can't believe I almost forgot my own birthday. It was very sweet, so I text them back saying 'thank you' and then I saw that there wasn't one from Damon. Maybe he hasn't sent it yet, but I'm not gonna worry about it and I put my phone away.

I looked at the big white house in front of us, wondering what the gang was doing back in Mystic Falls. I bet Caroline's throwing a big birthday bash for Elena, since I'm not there to join in on the festivities. Caroline can throw one hell of a party, I'll give her that.

Stefan hopped in the car and said "Can we go now?"

"Yes please!" I just wanted to get out of this car and away from Klaus!

"What's the rush, luv? Don't you enjoy my company?" He smirked his devious smirk that showed his cute dimples. I'm sorry but they are cute.

"It wouldn't be bad if you would quite it with the sex dreams and stay the hell out of my head." I stated.

Stefan glanced in between Klaus and I then said "Sex dreams? What are you talking about?"

"Do you remember when you told me that you were trapped in the tomb with Katherine and she kept missing with your head abouts sex dreams of you and her?" He nodded. "Well that's exactly what Klaus has down to me for the past month and a half now." I explained to Stefan .

"Oh come on, luv, you know you enjoyed it." Klaus said smug.


We arrived at a bar called 'Southern Comfort' in Tully about four hours later. Stefan and I compelled the entire bar while Klaus introduced himself to some wolf pack leader. I don't know because I haven't been paying any attention to Klaus, because I'm going mad since I haven't heard from Damon. I must've been looking sad because Stefan came and stood beside me.

"Why do you look so glum?"

"It's nothing really but... I have received many birthday texts and calls from everyone but Damon. I'm just worried that something has happened to him or that Elena has something to do with it." I felt like I was pouring my heart out to Stefan and I could tell that there was still some good left in him that he cared enough to come and comfort me.

"I'm sure that he just wants to surprise you when you're not expecting it, and why would Elena be apart of it?" he asked confused.

"Do you remember when I said that it was a long story?"

"Yes." he said and nodded.

"Well the short story is-" I paused thinking about it. "Matt was my boyfriend before he and Elena ever got together. Elena saw that I was happy with Matt and she wasn't happy unless she ruined my happiness. She had a crush on Matt and wanted him, so she made sure that Matt would break up with me or vise versa. She made a scene that involved Matt. Of course I figured out that Matt had a thing for her but I didn't know how bad it had gotten. She waited for me to come out of class, and when she saw me going into the lunch room she kissed him in front of me. It was about a month before I was sent away that he broke up with me and it tore me apart. That's why I don't trust her and why I hate her because she takes everything I have ever had so I will never be happy." I explained trying to hold back the tears that were about to pour out of my eyes from all of the memories, and pain that I had felt back then.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that's why you were sent away." After he said that Klaus needed our help with Ray.


I'm so sorry if it was short but Dimika and I had his family over for 2 weeks and then I had to work double shifts at work. I promise that the next chapter will be longer. I hope that everyone had a great 4th of July.

I don't own The Vampire Diaries that was all LJ Smith, Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and the cast, crew, writers, and ofc Ian Somerhalder, Nina Dobrev, and Paul Wesley!!!

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