It's what you call "ship"

Começar do início

"I wonder which one of us is correct!" I said
"You're just after the bento" Ran said, we all giggled
"I really wanna know what his age is" I said
"What's this talk about age?" a voice asked, we looked where the voice came from and it was Suzukawa-san, heat crept up to my face
"Suzukawa-sensei..." was all I said
"Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" Aoi asked
"I can't help but overhear" he said crossing his arms, I felt being pushed towards him, which took me by surprise. I almost hit my head to his chest, but good thing it didn't happen
"Weren't you gonna ask him something, Ichigo?" Aoi smirked
"Yeah, go ask him." Ran said who is also smirking, I can feel my face turning very red

"Go on... Don't worry, we won't interrupt" they said as they took a few steps away from us, I sighed and looked at him.
"Yes, Hoshimiya?"
"I-I was w-wondering but, h-how old are you?" I asked nervously, he looked a bit shocked from the question, I could see a tint of red on his cheeks, but he went back to his usual look

"Why do you want to know?" he asked in his usual cold tone,
"You see, I-I was j-just curious. I mean you look really young from being a teacher." I stated, covering up the real reason why I wanted to know, the real reason is to check our age gap
"I'm turning 20 this year" he answered
"You're 20?!" Ran and Aoi asked with a surprised face
"I'm turning 20" he corrected them
"Aren't you a bit young to be a teacher? I mean, with that age, shouldn't you be in College now?" Aoi said, Suzukawa-san looked a bit shocked from the question, but went back to his usual look
"I just happened to get accepted to work as a groundskeeper here" we were silent
"Okay, well thank you for that. Let's go guys" Aoi said walking away, Ran followed her
"See you around Sensei!" I said, then I followed them, Aoi squeeled
"What's wrong Aoi?" I asked
"Suzukawa-sensei is just four years older than you. This could totally work!" she stated
"Well, that's a good thing" Ran said in agreement, I nodded until my Aikatsu phone (whats it called again?) rang
*ring ring*
I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the notification, 'Oh no!' I thought
"Oh no! I'm late for work! See you later guys!" I said running to my manor to get my stuff
"Good luck Ichigo!" I heard them from behind.

Ran's POV

Me and Aoi decided to spend the rest of our time in her room. When we were inside, we sat down, Aoi is sitting at her bed while I was sitting in her desk, of course there's a chair. I'm on kirakiratter, reading what the people have to say until a post from Aoi popped up
@aoi: What do you say when you match two people?
         : SHIP!
         : The word used is called "ship"
         : Say it like "Oh my gosh! I ship it!"
         : A boy and a girl likes each other or you matchmake them then you can ship them. If they keep hanging out with each other then the ship is sailing. If they're not hanging out anymore and are fighting, then the ship sank
        : It's what you call 'ship'
        : I have tons of ships at school
'Well, they replied quickly' I thought
"So it's official!" I heard Aoi say, I turned to her
"What's official?" I asked, she looked at me with a determined look
"There is a ship in this school. And the ship is Ichigo and Suzukawa-sensei" she stated, then our Aikatsu phone vibrated. We checked it, it was from kirakiratter.
        : You should make a shipping name
It said, me and Aoi looked at each other then she smiled,
"Let's make a shipping name!" she exclaimed
"Any suggestions?" she asked, I put my hand on my chin
"Well... I don't know. How do you make a shipping name anyways?" I asked, Aoi looked up and then she was typing something on her smart phone, my Aikatsu smart phone made a notification sound. Aoi posted something on kirakiratter again.
@aoi: How do you make a shipping name?
         : Just mash up their names
         : I recommend using their first names than their surnames
         : Who do you ship Aoi-chan?
         : Use the first names
         : I have some examples!
         Subaru and Yume= SubaYume
         Kanata and Ako= KanaKo
         Asahi and Koharu= AsaHaru
         : You can use either their surnames or their first names, its up to you!
'Another quick reply' I thought
"So what do you think, Aoi?" I asked, she was silent until,
"How about 'IchiKawa'?" she said,
"Hm... I don't think so" I said, she was silent again, I sighed
"Isn't Suzukawa-sensei in More-Than-True?"
"Yeah, he is"
"Then why don't you use his stage name?" I suggested, she looked at me
"That's a great idea!" she beamed, she quickly grabbed a big notebook and marker, she flipped a few pages to find a blank page. She was writing something
"Done!" she said, she turned the notebook to show me what she wrote. What was written there was 'IchiNao' with a few hearts around it, and a strawberry.

I smiled and nodded"Yeah, that's a good name" I said, she was happy, so she stood up and punched the air and said"Okay! The IchiNao ship is on board

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I smiled and nodded
"Yeah, that's a good name" I said, she was happy, so she stood up and punched the air and said
"Okay! The IchiNao ship is on board. So we'll do our best to make it sail!" 'Well, it can't be helped' I thought. After about 5 seconds she had this look on her face like she realized something.
"What's up?" I asked
"Well, we shouldn't have used his stage name, we can use his first name, since his name is Suzukawa Naoto" she stated
"But the results are still the same" she continued, I just smiled
"You're right"
"Aahh~ I can't wait to see them together!"

Guys! I'm very sorry for not updating fast. I have school on my daily schedule, and we have a lot to do. I mean, is this how it is as a Junior High School first year? I promise to you, I will try my best to update quickly.

WifiZone shutting down🔚🔚🔚🔚🔚

Let Me be His ReplacementOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora