"Oh! Right, Parker. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry by the way. For the incident yesterday. They shouldn't have done that and it was a major dick move.."

"Oh really, I didn't think so." I replied sarcastically

"Oh good. Wouldn't want you to be mad at me or anything."
I turned my head from hearing a new voice to see Parker and his blonde friend standing right behind me

"What are you guys doing?" Jamey asked, crossing his arms

"We just came to apologize, that's all."
Parker and his other friend decided to take a seat right next to me...
why is this happening to me..

"So brownie. How's it goin?" The blonde guy asked me, smiling wide and showing me his pearly whites

"Tommy. Don't be a dick.." Jamey snarled
Okay, so that guys name is tommy. Good to know..

Tommy started laughing and so did Parker. What the hell was so funny?

Oohhh... I see what he did there...

Anyway... blondie leans over to Parker and started whispering in his ear. I looked over at Jamey instantly while he just mouthed "sorry"

Parker immediately busted out laughing and smacked his hands down on the table. All he was doing was nodding his head up and down, not being able to properly speak. Doesn't surprise me...

"Hey, brownie..." I looked over at tommy and decided to ignore him, pulling out my phone and texting Angie a series of text messages
"HEY!" I jumped up at Tommy's scream and gave him the attention he needed

"What do you want." I gritted through my teeth

"Don't think you there should be a warning sign on my dick?"

I was seriously cringing right Now. I wanted to get up and just run, as fast as I can, as far as I can. And not stopping

"W-what?" I asked nervously, afraid to hear the answer

"Yeah. I think it should say 'choking hazard' "
Parker almost spit out his milk and gave tommy a bro five. Are you kidding me..

Well too can play at this game...

"Isn't that the label they put on small objects?"

I'm not even kidding when I say that Tommy's loud and obnoxious laugh was brutally murdered after my last comment. I felt like the entire cafeteria had just heard.
There were some gasps and chuckles here and there, mainly coming from Jamey. He was barley holding himself together.

And as for Parker, he was just starring at me, blank faced. Not laughing or incredibly hurt like tommy. Just, staring...

"Umm, Hello? What's going on?"
Perfect timing Angie

"Nothing. Have a nice day." I smacked my hands on the table and stood up, following Angie out of the cafeteria

"Please tell me that you didn't hear that.."
I mumbled close to her ear

"Uh honey? I think a lot more people than just me heard it.."

Oh great...


I'm gonna kill one of these kids

"What do you want?!" I shouted, turning my body around to look up at Jamey
"Jamey. I'm sorry I thought it wa-"

"It's okay. I totally understand" he chuckled while I joined him
"Hey umm... there's a party tonight that is at my place. I would really like it if you came."

What the shit.

"A party? Me?..." I said in a uncertain voice

"Yeah. It'll be really fun, and your friend here can come too."
Is it bad that I forgot Angie was there, just for a second?

"Umm... I don't know, I -"

I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes and nearly got lost, I hadn't really realized the position we were in until just now. His body was very close and towering over mind, both of us nearly pressed on each other

"Y-..yeah. Sure" I stuttered. A huge smile found it's way on Jamey's face as he lit up.

"Great! Give me your phone."
It was like he was hypnotizing me because without any restraint I took my phone out of my jean pockets and handed it to him.

His finger tips were typing a few different things then he shut it off and gave it back.
"Alright. You now have my number and my address. I'll see you there"
Before leaving he sent me a wink that made my heart skip a beat.

He slowly walked back into the cafeteria as Angie kept tugging at me
"Athena!! What the hell was that?!"

"U-Umm... we just got invited to a party..." I mumbled

"Well no shit Sherlock. I was wondering about that chemistry between you and JAMEY!"

I rushed over to her and cupped her mouth with my hands
"Shut it. Jesus wanna talk any louder"

I felt something slimes and wet on the palms of my hands
Am I sweating? Wait...

"Aww gross! You are so nasty!" I laughed, wiping my hands on my jeans

"This is amazing! You are going to that party!" Her ginger was pointing at me and I hate to admit that I was a little scared of it..

"But I-.. I have like. Nothing to wear."
Looking down at my clothes definitely gave her the idea on what kind of outfits I carry, none of them fit enough for a rich kid high school party...

"Leave that up to me..."
I'm pretty sure the biggest and scariest smile appears on her face just then, like the people from that "truth of dare" movie.

I'm so fucked.

Sorry!! This chapter was super boring!!!!! But please trust me when I tell you, that this next chapter will be way better than this one!

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