Imhotep gives him another worry in his face. Dakota's eyes widened. He tries to back away, but is pushed forward.

"Do not touch my son!"

Then suddenly, for no reason, Lock-Nah's horse starts bucking and whinnying wildly. The High Priest's horse does the same. The whole caravan is forced to come to a stop. The two men prodat their spooked horses and curse them in Arabic.

A gentle breeze begins to blow through the jungle and swirl around the caravan, accompanied by a creepy sound, like an eerie wind whistling through dry bones.

Imhotep knows what's coming. He yells a command to the men to prepare.

"Of what?"

One of the black turbaned men sees something lying against a tree, almost molded into it. He slowly approaches. It's a hideous pygmy corpse. Branches and vines have grown through its bones, which are bleached a ghostly white.

The man leans in for a closer look at the gruesome thing. Its crusty eyelids suddenly snap open. The Man screams. It has no eyes. It hisses through rotted teeth and stabs him in the chest with a small spear. The man screams louder and dies.

Ardeth and Jonathan hear the scream. And then the gentle breeze starts to whistle around them. The two men look at each other. Eyes on fire.

Jonathan hefts the two revolvers in his hands and nods his head. Ardeth lifts a machine gun in one hand and a sword in the other, and nods back. They both take off running through the jungle.

As the breeze turns into a strong wind, Lock-Nah and Baltus Hafez are thrown from their horses. All the black turbaned men aim their guns into the foliage, their fear filled eyes sweeping the jungle.

The creepy noise is getting louder and closer.

Evelyn hefts the rifle to her shoulder and adjusts the sight. Waiting.

Jonathan and Ardeth crash through the jungle, coming up on the caravan from the rear. Ardeth spots Dakota. Lock-Nah is also heading for Dakota. And he's only ten feet away. Dakota sees him coming. His eyes widen in terror. Lock-Nah withdraws his razor sharp scimitar, shing!

A black turbaned man suddenly jerks forward screaming. He spins around, his back is plastered with blow darts.

The surrounding foliage suddenly comes alive with movement, accompanied by a horrible hissing sound. Arrows and blow darts explode out of the bushes. The black turbaned men all panic and aimlessly open fire.

Dakota backs away from Lock-Nah, who is still coming at him, but starting to lose him in the exploding frenzy. Imhotep eyes never leaving Dakota.

Meela starts to pull her way, lunges back and grabs the Book of the Dead. She ran off into the jungle all by herself.

Jonathan and Ardeth sprint into the frenzy, cutting down black and red turbaned men with equal abandon, like two human scythes.

Jonathan goes empty, tosses his pistols. Several black turbaned men turn to shoot him, but are suddenly shot off their feet because Evelyn are firing round after round.

Perfect precision. Completely emotionless. We look down their gun sights; they're actually clearing a path for Jonathan and Ardeth, shooting men out of their way.

Lock-Nah steps up to Dakota and raises his scimitar.

Evelyn sees Imhotep show up between the men. Imhotep grabs a shotgun shouldered from Jonathan, whips it forward and charges for Dakota.

Jonathan was shocked to see Imhotep with them right now, Imhotep hadn't said anything, just a smile Imhotep gave to Jonathan.

Lock-Nah swings his scimitar down at Dakota with all his might. Dakota screams. The scimitar prangs off Imhotep's shotgun. Imhotep scoops Dakota up on the run. Doesn't even slow down.

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