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Valley of the Dead. Night. A full moon shines down on the dark jungle. Baltus Hafez and Lock-Nah are on horses, leading a walking caravan of black turbans carrying torches.

Imhotep walks at the front, Dakota is near the back of Imhotep, looking a bit scared.

Everyone's eyes widened in horror as they came upon hundreds of rotted skeletons scattered throughout the jungle.

Some piled high, others lying off by themselves. Many appear to have been barbecued alive on fire spits. All are wearing the various tattered remains of once glorious uniforms and armor.

The full moon gives them a creepy glow.

"Go on!" said Imhotep as he stopped his track. Baltus Hafez and Lock-Nah lead them. Meela stops her track staring at the father and son bonding. "Go on I say!" hear the order, resuming her walk.

Now she walks aside with Baltus Hafez. "I got a chance to kill the boy!" she snarled. "Even his mother".

"How many time must I tell you Meela". Baltus Hafez stare on her. "Can't get enough?" Meela give Baltus Hafez death glare, then she ignore him.

Imhotep walks beside Dakota. He looked down at him. "I can sense your mother around here in this jungle".

"How can you be sure about that!?" ask Dakota.

"I know". Imhotep smiled. Imhotep stops Dakota from walking. The others keep walking in front. "Listen to me Dakota. I can feel that the lady will do something starting tonight. I promise you I will not leave you like this".

"Over there, Roman Legionnaires. And there, turn of the century French, Napoleon's troops".

Imhotep and Dakota hear the high priest Baltus Hafez shout at something. Imhotep and Dakota walk up to them.

Lock-Nah started, furious. "What in the name of Osiris did this?" Each and every person is terrified. All except Imhotep.

Ardeth and Jonathan are among themselves to the teeth. Evelyn suddenly looks around. "You hear that?"


"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's dead silent. I've never heard a jungle be so quiet". Evelyn looks around the jungle. "I've been in the jungle before exactly sounds like this. This is not a good sign for the three of us".

The two men share a nervous look. Evelyn and Ardeth are locking and loading rifles. Jonathan sees something and brushes back the foliage. A dozen shrunken heads dangle from a pole. Jonathan's eyes widened.

"I say, look at these shrunken heads. (looks closer) I'd absolutely love to know how they do that".

In unison, Evelyn and Ardeth give him a look. Jonathan looks indignant. "Just curious". He hefts a long rifle.

Ardeth looks at him. "Are you any good with that?" he asked Jonathan.

"What? (outraged) just because you and me are the only men to help my sister doesn't mean I'm the loser. Three time Fox and Hound Grand Champion, I'll have you know!"

He fumbles with the rifle, almost drops it. "That was of course before I started drinking".

Evelyn rolled up her eyes. Ardeth glances over to Evelyn. She spoke. "I won't miss".

The caravan comes into a clearing. Far off in the distance, they all see the tip of the gold pyramid spiking the stars. Imhotep looked worried. Baltus Hafez, Lock-Nah, and Meela all smile. In the back, Dakota is suddenly looking very nervous.

"I'm in trouble now".

Lock-Nah whispers to Baltus Hafez, who nods and looks back at Imhotep.

"My Lord, now there is no need for the boy". he said in ancient egypt.

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