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"Are you sure? You and Imhotep conceive a child. How old is he?"

"Twelve. Dakota was born in 1921. I cannot deny it but this is the truth, Dr. Bey. I've been forced by Imhotep. I know exactly how Imhotep died. That wasn't his fault. The Pharaoh Seti I is and I reincarnation of the princess he loves. Nefertiri the Pharaoh daughter".

Dr. Bey leaned on his chair. Tapping on his table, eyes look up at her. "Like how you know, Evelyn".

"He showed me. Brought me back to three thousand year ago where he had lived. It wasn't like a flashback but a memory of Imhotep. The Pharaoh accused Imhotep irresponsible who raped the Pharaoh maid and get her pregnant. The twist is.. it was the Pharaoh who raped the maid and kill her. So he took the blame on Imhotep".

"Because Imhotep is the Pharaoh's loyal adviser". said Dr. Bey. Evelyn nod yes. "The Pharaoh knows Imhotep will do anything for him. The time Imhotep loves the princess it all makes sense".

He was shocked as Evelyn slammed her fist on the table, meaning she agreed with all of his words.

"Exactly. It was revenge. Not for the princess but the Pharaoh. Imhotep loves the princess, intends to marry her and be mother of his child. And that child is Dakota. He didn't love me, Dr. Bey. He still loves Nefertiri because I am hers".

"I understood the statement, Evelyn. Of course he didn't love you but he wanted you to have his child". he pulled down his glasses, laid them on the table.

He rubs his head.

"The truth about Imhotep. All I have is just the Pharaoh, and Nefertiri who married Ramesses II. Perfect life but lies beneath it".

"Dakota doesn't know about his father yet. I do not dare tell him not because I'm afraid. What I am afraid of is.. he will say his mother is crazy. A clumsy woman like me conceives a child with the man who died three thousand year ago.. will he believe that. I don't think so, Dr. Bey".

She leaned. "Dakota is a brilliant boy and he won't believe what I say". sigh. She spoke again. "He wants me to tell him about his father but I can't. I won't let him know about Imhotep who didn't existed".

"Give the boy a chance, Evelyn. He's just a boy. It took time to understand the assessment. When the boy is ready.. he will".

Evelyn nodded her head, rising up from the chair then walked out. He watched her for a while then followed her behind.

Meanwhile, Dakota enters the Ramesseum filled with treasures and plunder from the Middle Kingdom. It's very dark and quiet in here, the only light is from flickering torches at either end of the spooky gallery.

From the far side of the room. Feet, slowly shuffling, plodding across the floor. Dakota grabs a torch. Looking around, at a statue of Anubis, another of Horus, they stare down at Dakota, who is starting to get scared now.

He walks down the aisle. Past a closed sarcophagus. Past cases of ancient artifacts. Past another sarcophagus, only this one is open.

Dakota freezes, swallows hard, nervously looks around to see who could have opened it. Then he slowly leans forward with the torch, and peers inside.

"Dakota". he jolted, shocking, turning to where the voice was coming from. It was Evelyn. "What are you doing here?"

He shakes his head. "I'd just take a look around. Amazing place Dr. Bey had around here. Is this some kind of real thing being dug up from".

Dr. Bey smiles while standing beside Evelyn. He spoke. "Yes. All of this. Originally from Thebes. Where we found it. You see that?" he pointed at the statue where Dakota stood beside it.

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