Chap. 10 ~ Velma + Charlie...

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(I been slackin' y'all. I know...I know. I scolded myself already. And as I re-read all the chapters of this book, I've decided...I really enjoy the drama I write 😂; So without further ado, here is Chap. 10...)



As I wake up from my unenjoyable slumber, I lift myself up, groaning as I do so from the wounds inflicted from my dad a couple days ago. I sigh, staring out at the creek, the memories of Maybelle and I coursing through my mind.

Thinkin' about her makes me get all upset again and I chuck the liquor bottle, the splash it makes mirroring my feelings -- gone, dead, destroyed.

"Forget her. I'm Corny Collins of Baltimore High. I can lay whoever the fuck I want." I chuckle to myself, making my trek back to my truck, and driving down the dirt road.

As I'm riding in my truck, I notice a piece of paper sticking out from the sun visor; Reaching for it and opening it with one hand, I read it.

"Corny, you're welcomed anytime. I hope you take me up on my offer..." - Velma Von Tussle

Feeling numb, Corny makes a U-turn, going to the West Side of Baltimore.



Staring at my ceiling, I thank God it's Saturday. Amidst this, my mind can't help but wonder to Corny.

You shouldn't be thinkin' about that boy, I tell myself.

Sighing, I roll over, pulling the covers over my head, my hair messing up, not that I care anyway. I feel terrible about what I said to Corny -- the way his crystal blue eyes pierced mines -- but it's true; We can't be together, not unless he wants our children to be bullied for ETERNITY. 

They'll be teased, mocked, you name it. I can't put my future little ones through that.

Deep in thought, a knock sounds at my door and someone speaks.

"Babygirl, I'm gonna run to the market, get outta the house for a while. You wanna come?" Pulling the covers off my head, I turn my head, seeing my daddy smiling at me.

"No, I'm ok. I'm tired, probably gonna rest for today." I give him a small smile, in which he returns, nodding.

"Ok, well, I'll be back later." He goes to shut the door until he remembers something. "OH! May..." 

I stare at him with a quirked eyebrow. He continues.

"Some neighbors just moved in down the street. Whenever you feel like it, stop by and introduce yourself. Good?" I nod, and he smiles once again, closing the door.

Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I close my eyes, trying not to think about those crystal blue eyes and that pearly white smile.



Making my way through the streets of West Side Baltimore, I squint, trying to find the house Velma lives in. I spot a big white and gray 2 story, 2 cars parked in the grass. 

"Of course." I park and get out, going around the back way, and knock on the door.

A couple minutes of waiting, Velma comes, smiling rather widely -- Velma is a simply 30s girl: Blonde hair, which is always pinned up, slim figure, medium sized breast, not so much of an ass, but she does the best she can. Couple years older than me, but then again, she reached out to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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