Chapter 18/0.5

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I don't know what it is but through all the dancing, all the sweat and movement.. it's like I've burnt off the haziness and stepped out of the world of the drunks. Don't get me wrong I'm not sober, i'm just a little, uh.. what's it called? BUZZED! Gwen Stacy is buzzed. And... now I'm talking about myself in the third person.

"Gwen?" a deep voice mumbles.

I snap back to attention and back into the world of dancing. The music continues up with the really crap beat that I feel is swimming to my brain, joined by a little knocking of nails against each other and I am praying that it stops that I won't get a full on migraine tomorrow.

I tilt my head upwards tightening my grip around Peter's neck decreasing the space between us and in return as if subconsciously his arms tighten around my waist.

"Are you tryna get away from me?" I bite down on my bottom lip with force and before he can reply, I shift myself forward so my lips are by his ear and I nibble at his earlobe, which emits a groan from his lips before I kiss it and rest my head on his chest.

It's as if the music can read my mind because I feel the beat soften if only by a millimeter, the nails in my head speed down their actions and I'm swaying with Peter, with the melody that has taken control of my body. Suddenly, I feel so damn tired so I slip my arms down his shoulders placing them in the gap between his arms and his torso, wrapping them around his back. I realise then that the music is his heart, the steady beat that thumps beneath my ear... the music still blares around us but it has been encased by a wall of fog and Peter and I are on the other side.

"I love you." I mumble against his chest so I'm sure he can't have heart.

Seconds, minutes or hours pass, to be quite honest I have no clue, but I am certain when I hear him finally reply,

"I love you, too." and I can't explain the several tears that leak from my eyes.

Peter squeezes my waist and I look up at him.

"You wanna go soon? It's like 2am," He asks, brushing a curl of chocolate brown hair off his forehead. "Hey, why are you crying?" He lifts me onto his toes.

"Yeah, whenever, I don't mind," I place a hand on his cheek and smile. "I'm just happy and I love you so much."

I swear Peter's eyes glisten for a second before he's pulling me into another kiss. This kiss is a lot slower than the previous one's that we have shared this evening, there's more depth to it and when he deepens the kiss I can taste the passion by every swipe of his tongue on mine, I sigh into his mouth and pull away. He rests his forehead against mine and I peck his lips once more.

"Can we go?"

He nods and then he’s pulling me out into the chilly night air where I am covered in goose bumps within seconds. Wind runs up my spine and I shiver teeth chattering and all. Peter clasps my hand tight in his and asks where my coat is but I have no idea and I definitely don’t want to go back to the party so I slip an arm into the back of his shirt, wrapping my arm around his waist. We ventured back to the subway, which was eerily quiet creating a colder atmosphere that had me practically monkey climbing Peter. He laughed most of the ride home. By the time we got off I felt like an absolute zombie yawning from ear to ear and I even dragged my feet across the floor until Peter offered me a piggy back, which consisted of me falling onto him like a rag doll.

Somehow we made it to my room, I still felt a bit not quite there but there enough to be sober. That made no sense whatsoever. I stripped off my dress leaving me in my underwear and I flopped down on my bed curling into a ball. I looked up the gather where Peter went and I found him leaning against my wall with his mouth hung open.

“What are you doing over there?” I patted the spot behind me and he slowly padded over. I let out a laugh. “Is it because I’m in my underwear?”

Peter didn’t reply but instead, stripped off his shirt and curled himself around me.

“You’d think that we had never had sex from the way you were gaping.” I teased while his head came to a rest above mine, his arms pulling me even closer and we fit together perfectly like opposite quotation marks.

“Well we both know that’s not true.” Peter replied and I knew that if I were facing him he would have winked and then smirked.


So this was just a minor update because it's my birthday ayy!!

and i just wanted to also clarify that they've obviously already had sex but i just felt that i didn't want to include smut in this story, not because i'm against it or uptight or anything, because everyone likes smut... i just feel that this story doesn't need it if you get what i mean??


- saskia x

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