Chapter 14

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Next day at school Peter is all warm, hugs and smiles and I want to throttle him. How can he be all cheery considering what went down yesterday? Okay, I realize that sounds a tad melodramatic but come on. It really is like his memory of yesterday has been wiped blank. He picked me up from school, skateboard in one hand and mine in the other. It felt weird. He spoke to me about a lab experiment he'd been working on and my mind just drifted off, not listening just seeing his mouth moving, forming words that don't settle.

So I'm currently in math's, burning a hole into the back of Peter's head with my stare. I want to grab him and shake him. OH MY GOD HE'S GETTING ON MY FREAKING NERVES.

"Hey Gwen, you alright?" my elbows slip and I almost face-plant the desk. I glance beside me and see Grace, strawberry blond hair, pixie cut and bright green eyes.

"Uh, yeah. Just...tired." I stammer and give her a small smile. She nods and looks back down at her textbook.

Rolling the sleeves of my sweater up to my elbows, I focus on my work and finish the algebra equations. Every now and then Peter will scratch the back of his neck and I imagine myself scratching his face. Wow, when did I get so vicious? Damn Gwen, you need to get yourself under control. But, but he's killing me right now, oh my god.

Math's rolls to an end and Peter gets up from his seat, swinging his backpack onto a shoulder. Hastily, I stand up from my seat and grab my books, stuffing them into my bag while walking fast out the door. I catch up to Grace who is chatting to Dave.

"Hey sorry. Are you two going to lunch?" I interrupt.

They both nod. "Wanna join us?" Grace asks and I nod very enthusiastically.



Where'd u go?? U ran out of maths liek usain bolt

I look up from my phone and join into the conversation with Dave and Grace. Dave has informed both, myself and Grace, that he is planning to become head of the green party. Grace bursted out laughing, spraying apple pieces across her tray, which set me off laughing. I sigh and reply to Pete's text.



*Like. I was hungry. With Dave and Grace in the lunch hall.

Two minutes later, a lunch hall chair squeaks beside me as the chair legs are dragged against the greasy floor.

"Hey Pete." Dave bellows and they exchange a fist bump, meanwhile I turn to Grace and ask her about the blond streak of her hair.

"It's so cute." I grin.

"Cheers. I wanted to rebel against my gingerness." She grins back.

I stretch my legs out under the table and my feet hit something hard. Skateboard.

"It's like your long lost love." I turn and tell Peter.

He turns his face to mine and his brown eyes are alight, which frustrates me.

"What is?" he inquires, quirking his eyebrows.

"That skateboard." I take a sip of my coke and push a bang off my forehead.

"It is." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

Dave once again, launches into what he wants to change about the world and how he's going to do it. He gestures with his hands and goes full on business mode. Face serious, and passion flowing emits from his body. I lean back in my chair and Peter rests an arm of the back of it. Grace interrupts Dave at points, contradicting his statements and within ten minutes many tables have stopped eating, turned around and are joining in with the now debate.

By 5th period I'm walking with Grace to Biology and Peter is walking ahead and occasionally stops to talk to someone. He laughs and I want to jump on him.

"Hey are you okay?" Grace interrupts my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. What were you saying?" I ask to which Grace laughs.

"Is something wrong with you and Peter?"

"Nah. He's just, uh," I start and Grace raises an eyebrow. "I don't know to be honest. I try to have a conversation with him about the future and he just." I shake my head.

"Yikes. How'd it go?"

"Not great." I laugh.



I'll wait for u by ur locker wen skl ends

Sure enough when I reach my locker Peter's there leaning up against the one next to mine. I open up my locker and replace books from my bag with ones from my locker before slamming it shut.

"Wow what's up?" Peter studies my face.

I shrug. "I don't know. You tell me." And with that I walk out the school doors with Peter in tow.

"If this is about yesterday than I'm sorry." He says and I can tell he's sorry but how he has been acting today has bothered me too much.

"I'm sorry I don't remember yesterday." I reply flatly.

He groans. "Jesus Gwen..." and thrusts a hand throw his hair, clenching the other.

"Oh no," I say shaking my head and I pull him into a alley, a few roads down from our school building. We are both silent for a few minutes.

"What I want is for you to tell me your plan." I lean against the opposite wall from Peter.

"What plan?" he asks, incredulous. "Not everyone is as organized as you, Gwen."

I let out a frustrated noise and rest a palm against my forehead.

"I know that. But most people know where they are headed and you obviously don't."

"And if I don't. What's so bad about that?"

"We're both on completely different wavelengths and, shit, I'm late," I back up, walking backwards. "All I want to know is where your mind is at." I turn around and run to the bus stop.

My interview. I am going to be late. Crap.


A/N: i didn't like how i let the previous chapter so i thought, why not right another chapter, because i like writing when Gwen is annoyed at Peter omg.

Thank you for reading this, i can't actually believe that people read my writing, so it means a hell of a lot to me that you do :-) pce out, saskia

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