Chapter 17

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"So.... When do you hear back from Oxford?" Peter asks, swinging our linked hands in the small space between us.

"I assume a few weeks after Graduation. When we get our results, I think."

"Gaahh, results," Peter scratches the back of his neck with his free hand and grimaces.

I nudge his shoulder with mine. "Come on. I bet you did great."

It has creeped into the very early hours of the morning, not to mention it's a school day but neither of us wanted to go home. The sun is rising up casting its rays across the deep, blue ocean water and in return as if giving the sun a gift, the water is reflecting the light and creating an illusion of small diamonds that are glittering with the small rippled movements of the waves.

"I don't know about that." He replies. I tilt my head to try and get a better look at his face. There's an emptiness in his eyes, which had started to clear once we worked things out.

I stop walking but Peter carries on. I reach out a hand a clamp it onto his wrist spinning him around.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask but he just shakes his head as if to say 'it doesn't matter'.

I take a couple of steps forward so I'm directly in front of him, the front of our shoes touching. I look up to his face and his eyes are avoiding mine.

"Dude, lighten up!" I exclaim, throwing my hands into the air dramatically and landing them on his shoulders. "Look at me."

He shakes his head. "Since when did Peter Parker start getting incredibly shy with Gwen Stacy?" I raise a brow. "Huh? I remember when you first asked me out but you didn't actually ask, because you skipped the word "date"." I laugh in remembrance and see that Peter is remembering it too. His eyes glisten.

I place a hand along his jaw and tilt his face down. I step on my tiptoes and nudge my nose against his. "I love you. And you have nothing to worry about, because I know you aced those exams. You probably did better than me."

His nods his head and looks into my eyes. I notice the smirk forming on his face.

"Well I am pretty amazing."

"You worked hard too." I grin and he grins back.

I peck his lips once and then skip off in front, along the horizon and into the jungle of early New York commuters.

"I think we should commute ourselves to school." I say and burst out laughing afterwards. Peter gives me a weird look.

"Uh... I can't deal with school today. It's like 5am, Gwen."

"That rhymes. Ah but I can't skip, because Oxford," I give out a long sigh. "Oh my god I sound like a cavewoman, I'm so tired." I yawn.

"Nice." Peter says and I realise I yawned right in his face.


We catch a train to his place and I mutter a good morning to Aunt May who stops Peter on the stairway while I slip into his room and flop down on his bed. Mmm. It's cozy and warm and smells like Peter. I curl into the foetal position and tuck a hand under his pillow.

A few minutes later, Peter joins me but not before manoeuvring me so he could take my coat off. I have a good boyfriend.

"What about school, huh?" Peter inquires once he is wrapped around me.

"Meh." I say and snuggle into him. I feel my eyes drifting shut and just before I hit sleep, Peter says.

"Party tonight."


SORRY FOR THE REALLY REALLY really short update!

But I hope you like it :)

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