Katie was standing at the edge of the water shaking her head. "No. Nonono."

"Come on, Katie. Are you really that afraid of water?" Dana teased her.

"Yes. It is cold and I am not about to be taken out by a wave. No way." Katie crossed her arms, standing firmly in place.

"Well," Dana looked Katie up and down quickly. "I hope you'll forgive me for this later." Dana ran up to Katie and picked her up, swinging her over her shoulder. Katie yelped for Dana to put her down, but Dana wouldn't listen. Dana ran into the ocean and dropped Katie once they were safely past the wave-crashing zone.

Katie came up out of the water gasping for air. "Oh you're gonna pay for that." She glared at Dana. Dana tried swimming away, but Katie jumped on top of her and dunked her head under the water.

When Dana resurfaced, she grabbed Katie by the legs and pulled her closer. Katie tried to swim away put gave in. Dana turned Katie to face her. Dana wrapped her arms around Katie's waist, pulling her close. Katie wrapped her legs around Dana's waist, and her arms around Dana's neck.

"You're lucky you're cute." Dana pretended to be irritated.

"It's my best quality." Katie grinned.

Dana grinned back at Katie. The both leaned in, pressing their lips together. They didn't care that there was a faint taste of salt between them.

Later that night, after the sun had set, and everyone had showered, changed, and applied a lot of aloe, the group was in their condo that they rented for the week, playing games and getting ready to watch a movie.

Mason and Ashley were curled up on one of the armchairs, while Grace and Eddie snuggled together on the couch on the opposite end of Lindley and Sierra. Jesse, Marissa, and Zach were all lying on the ground, each with their own pillows and blanket. Dana was sitting on one of the other armchairs, curled up in a blanket. Katie walked into the group, handing bowls of popcorn to everyone.

Katie made her way to Dana, who lifted the blanket so Katie could sit down. Katie sat on Dana's lap and fixed the blanket. She rested the bowl of popcorn on her lap. Katie rested her head on Dana's shoulder and curled up to the girl. Everyone in that room couldn't have been happier than they were in that moment.

☼ ☼ ☼

Katie and Dana never officially got back together. They spent their entire summer together, being happy, but they agreed that it was just for the summer. Both the girls agreed that once they left for school, they would be single and not have to worry about a long distance relationship.

The two girls wanted to make the most of the summer. So they did. They rarely spent time apart from one another. They didn't try to hide their love for one another anymore. Dana and Katie were in love, and they didn't care who knew. They embraced every moment that the summer gave them. Even when Dana would have to work, she would get a free ticket to the concert and Katie would go.

Dana and Katie couldn't have imagined a more perfect summer together. They were together, and they were happy. Both of them thought about the possibility of getting back together permanently, but pushed the thought away as soon as it happened. They knew that come the fall, it was better for both of them to be single.

That didn't make letting go any easier. Dana and Katie spent their last night together on the hood of Dana's car at their spot on the side of the mountain. They stayed up and talked for hours and stared at the stars, and just enjoyed the complete bliss they felt with one another.

Dana and Katie made their last night together the most beautiful they could. When the sun rose, the girls woke up beside one another in a bittersweet moment. Their summer, along with the hours they spent together, was officially ending. Katie was the first one to leave. Martina and Katie packed their car full of Katie's things.

Katie was getting ready to step into her sister's car when Dana called after her. The girls met in the middle of the street, where they had shared their first kiss almost a year before. They stood there in silence, memorizing every detail of each other's face.

Dana lifted her hand, holding a pair of sweatpants. The sweatpants were Dana's, but they were Katie's favorite pair. Katie had worn them more than Dana in the past year. She always tried to steal the sweatpants from Dana, but Dana always ended up stealing them back from Katie.

"You forgot your pants."

Katie felt a grin tug at her lips. She lifted her hand to Dana's cheek, pulling her into a gentle kiss. Katie pulled away reluctantly. She smiled at Dana one more time. "You make me happy, Dana Thomas."

"And you make me crazy, Katie Torres." 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter song: "Clarity" (Cover) by Jessica Sanchez

The next chapter has a five year jump. Prepare yourselves!

Until next time,
Adrienne Civetti (:

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