Now that they had gotten intimate, there was no doubt in Sasuke's mind that [Name] really and truly was his own.

"You don't even have to try," murmured the Uchiha into [Name]'s ear, rolling on top of her and leaning on his forearms so that he wasn't crushing her under his weight.

"Okay, we had a good time, but you really should be getting up!" said [Name] hurriedly, gently prying Sasuke's lips off of her skin. "You can't be late to your meeting with Madara-sama! Sakura! Sakura, what time is it?!"

Sasuke silenced his protesting wife by placing a finger over her lips, hushing her immediately.

"How does it feel down there?" he asked, reaching down and placing a hand on her lower abdomen.

"... tender, but not bad."

"That's good."

"How is th-"

[Name] was cut off as Sasuke forcibly placed his lips on hers, ravenous and wanting more from the Kouhage. When he did break away from her minutes later, he spoke swiftly and succinctly.

"I'm addicted to you," he explained hoarsely as he went down on [Name] once more, thoroughly enjoying every single taste that [Name]'s body had to offer. "... I love you."


"My, my, my. Sasuke, you certainly appear to be in good spirits."

As Sasuke entered the room where he would be meeting Madara and the others, Itachi was the first to notice the arrogant smirk on his little brother's face. He was seated next to Shisui, a man his age with wavy, unkempt hair, and dark eyes, with an empty seat for Sasuke on his other side.

"It would seem that Sasuke was in a rather celebratory mood after Madara-sama delivered the good news to him last night," chuckled Shisui, earning a scowl from the incoming Uchiha.

"What I get up to is none of your business, Shisui."

"Now, now children, let's be nice here," interrupted Madara as Sasuke took his seat beside Itachi, facing their soon to be newly appointed leader. "I've called all three of you here today because you are no longer children who need to be spoken to with their parents present, namely so, your fathers. I had originally intended Izuna to be here, but due to issues that arose last minute, he could not attend.

"As you already know, council members and their families are entitled to receive allowances of food and other supplies from the quotas that our protectorate clans provide for the clan in return for our protection. As such, once you have all been formally elected into the council, you will each be granted a special token that will allow you to receive the benefits of joining by presenting it to whoever is in charge of distributing the allowances. Since there are really only eight of us in total, the storeholders should be familiar with our faces anyway, but it doesn't hurt to have some form of confirmation as well.

"Another thing I'd like to bring to everyone's attention is what I have in mind for when I come into power."

The three younger Uchiha straightened up in their seats as Madara's voice adopted a serious tone, bringing them all to their full attention.

"As you all know, the peace we have had recently with the Senju cannot last for long," he said bitterly. "As their allies increase, so too does the amount of people who want to see us wiped off the face of the earth. And while the Senju have shown so far that they do not wish to see any further conflict with us, we can't trust that their allies will show the same complacency. As a result, one of my main points upon coming into power is increasing our fighting numbers. Since the age requirement has been set, it means that all those under the age of ten must be trained to the best degree in order to secure their chances of success on the battlefield in the future.

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