Chapter 1 Hello

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Once the assembly finished and all the speeches were made they all start to head to their homeroom.
"I swear I saw Tetsu! He's here!" Daiki practically yells at his brothers.
"Even if Tetsuya was here he wouldn't want to see you." Shuzo sighs. "Besides I don't see him or his brothers. Well I'm really looking for Shugo since he's the best one to spot."
"Hmm I don't see Shugocchi either." Ryota says as he looks around. "Ah but I see...Taigacchi? Hey Taigacchi! Seijurocchi! Reocchi! Shintarocchi! Atsushicchi" He waves his hand.
Taiga hears an annoying familiar voice. "Can we just ignore him?" He asks with a groan.
"Now Taiga they already saw us so we might as well go talk. Besides me and Reo-san have our homeroom with Shuzo-san, you have homeroom with Daiki and Atsushi, and Shintaro and Ryota have the same homeroom as well." Seijuro says as they walk to the Nijimura brothers.
"Great just great." Taiga sighs as he glares at Daiki who glares back.
"Great Bakayota they're coming." Daiki growls.
"Behave Daiki. I don't want a fight and that's final." Shuzo says as they stand in front of them.
"Shuzo-san glad to see you. How was your summer?" Seijuro asks with a smile.
"Shuzo-chan you look as handsome as ever. What did you do this summer?" Reo asks.
"Very good. We went to the country for practice in the club." Shuzo smiles. "And how was your summer Seijuro? Reo?"
"Oh we just had a blast at the beach for the summer." Reo smiles. "Atsushi found lots of good treats so he was calm."
"That's very good of him." Shuzo says.
"We went to America for the summer again." Seijuro says.
"To visit your mother right? How is she?" Shuzo asks.
"Very well, thank you. She's happy and that's all that matters." Seijuro chuckles.
"Yes well we better get to class. Ryota don't bug Shintaro." Shuzo says.
"I never bug Shintarocchi!" Ryota says acting as if he was offended.
"You always bug me." Shintaro growls.
"So mean." Ryota fake cries.
"Come on Ryota lets just get to class. Goodbye everyone." He starts to walk with his lucky item.
"Ah wait, Shintarocchi! Bye bye everyone. Daikicchi be good!" Ryota ran after Shintaro.
"Well he's in a good mood." Reo chuckles.
"Reo-nee-chin my chips are gone." Atsushi whines as he finished his chips.
"Here don't waste them all before lunch okay." Reo gives him a bag full of junk food.
"Hai~" He grabs the back and starts to take some snacks out.
"How about we all go lead you to your homeroom." Seijuro suggests.
"Wait I have homeroom with him?!" Daiki points at Taiga.
"Don't worry I'm not happy about it either." Taiga growls.
"Now both of you enough. What happened last year is in the past. Both of you can either hate each other or not just don't start a fight." Seijuro says with a cold voice.
The two just look away, not happy one bit.
"Atsu-chan watch over them and make sure they don't fight okay." Reo says.
"Okay." He says with his mouth full of maiu-bo.
"Let's just go." Shuzo says as they walk to the homeroom.

"He is here. You guys told me he wasn't going to be here." Tetsuya looks down as they walk to his homeroom.
"We thought so too. I guess he changed his mind." Shogo says. "Don't worry if he tries anything I'll beat him up."
"Maybe you should have gone to a different school." Chihiro sighs. "It doesn't matter anymore. We'll make sure he stays away from you. All of them will."
"Hai." Tetsuya clenches his fist not wanting to cry.
"Well it's not like they'll be in your homeroom. You are way smarter than them. You will be fine." Shogo smiles. "You're smart baby brother."
"Not as smart as you or Chi-nii-san. Or else everything that happened last year wouldn't have happened." Tetsuya sighs sadly.
"Hey you are smart. He took advantage of you. That is not smart at all." Chihiro says. "Now here is your class. They will give you your schedule and you head to those classes okay. When you're going to your next class message us your class list and we will be at your last class before lunch."
"Yes Chi-nii-san." He smiles. "Thank you both."
"It's nothing. We'll see you later." Shogo smirks as he was about to ditch class when Chihiro grab's his shirt.
"I'm going to take this one to class. See you in your third period, Tetsuya." Chihiro and Shogo hug him before they leave. Tetsuya sighs before entering, noticing that no one notices him. He sat at the last desk next to the window as he takes out his book and starts to read as he waits for class to begin.
The group started to walk to Daiki's, Taiga's, and Atsushi's homeroom. Seijuro sees Chihiro and Shogo leaving the class room and a small baby blue teen going in.
'This is going according to plan.' He chuckles to himself as they reach the room. "Now behave Taiga and don't cause trouble."
"Yeah I know." Taiga says looking at him.
"Very good. Head to the cafeteria and some students will tell you where to go." Seijuro explains to him which Taiga just nods.
"Daiki in lunch go to the gym we were practicing in. I'll have your lunch there." Shuzo tells him. "Behave and if you fall asleep in class I'll punish you."
"I know. We went over this." Daiki grumbles.
"Atsu-chan I'll meet you in the cafeteria too. Some people will meet you there to tell you where to sit and your food will be there." Reo smiles.
"But I don't like listening to people who are weaker than me." Atsushi pouts.
"Please for me," Reo asks, "and maiu-bo."
"They'll see me right?" He says instantly seeing his brother nod.
"Alright go on in already, all of you." Seijuro says before he, Reo, and Shuzo leave to go to their homeroom.
"Don't think I've forgotten about last year Daiki." Taiga growls.
"Piss off." Daiki growls as he opens the door.
"Ah Tetsu-chin." Atsushi says as he spots Tetsuya and walks to him. He puts his bag of junk food in Tetsuya's desk before sitting down in the desk in front of him. "Tetsu-chin I thought you weren't coming to this school."
"Hello Atsushi-kun and no I wasn't going to come but I was informed that a few people wouldn't be here but I guess they were wrong." He explains not even looking at the direction of Daiki and Taiga.
"Tetsu." Daiki whispers.
"Tetsuya." Kagami does the same.
They both look at each other and growl. They both start to walk to Tetsuya who just ignores them.
"Ah Reo-nee-chin gave me all this so I would behave in class but he said I can't finish them all before lunch." Atsushi was telling Tetsuya who listens to him.
Daiki pushed Taiga before looking at Tetsuya.
"Tetsu." He says when he reaches Tetsuya's desk. "Long time no see."
Tetsuya just ignored him. "How was your summer Atsushi-kun?"
"Ah we went to the beach and I found lots of good snacks." Atsushi says happily as he talks about his summer.
Daiki growls before he gets push by Taiga.
"Tetsuya hey it's been a while." He says.
Tetsuya ignores him as well.
"He doesn't want to talk to you guys." Atsushi says. "He wants to listen to my story."
"No one wants to listen to that." Daiki says as he glares at Taiga. "Look Tetsu we need to talk-"
"Akashi-kun Nijimura-kun please I am talking to my friend. Can you now leave us alone? Thank you." Tetsuya says not even looking at them.
"But-" They both start when the teacher came in.
"Alright all of you take a seat." The teacher says as they all sat down. Daiki sits on the desk next to Tetsuya while Taiga went to sit in front of Daiki.
"I am your homeroom and P.E. teacher, Riko Aida. You may call me Aida-sensei. I am also the boys basketball coach so those of you who will try out its next week on Monday." She says as she takes out her roll book.
"Now today we are meeting here only for homeroom but if you can see out the window it's right next to the P.E. area. If you misbehave in my class you get to run a lap. The more you misbehave the more laps you run. Obviously there's a limit to how many laps you can run, so if you run five laps it's to the principles office after that fifth lap." She smiles making almost everyone scared.
"Scary teach." Taiga mumbles to himself.
"Scared Taiga." Daiki smirks at him.
"Am not." He growls at him as they start to argue in whispers.
"Now I will take roll call. You say here when I call your name and you will tell us what career you want." She says. "First off Akashi...Taiga? Akashi Taiga."
"Here ma'am." Taiga got up.
"Your brother is Akashi Seijuro right." She smiles.
"Yes ma'am." He says.
"We'll go on and tell us what you want to be in the future."
"Well a fireman would be a cool job to do." He says rubbing the back of his head.
"Very good now I expect big things from you." She smiles as she continues the roll.
"I expect big things from you." Daiki says in a mocking voice to Taiga making him mad.
"Shut up." Taiga growls.
"Mayuzumi Tetsuya." She says.
"Here." Tetsuya says but of course no one heard him.
"Hmm? Mayuzumi Tetsuya?" She asks looking around.
"Ah Tetsu-chin is here Aida-sensei-chin." Atsushi says as Aida looks at him with confusion.
"And where is he?" She asks.
"I'm right here, Aida-sensei." Tetsuya says as he had to walk in front of her.
"Ahhh!" She screams as other were shock and surprise about their ghost classmate. She looks at him and realizes something.
"Your brothers are Mayuzumi Chihiro and Shogo right?"
"Hai." He says.
"Ah yes Chihiro did the same on his first year of school. You both have very low presence."
"Hai. Sorry for scaring you Aida-sensei. It was not my intention for that." He bows.
"It's alright now why don't you tell us what you want to be in the future." She says as he rises.
"I would like to be a teacher for younger children." He says before sitting down.
"Very good." She says as she continues roll. "Mibuchi Atsushi."
"Here." He says getting up as he munches on chips.
"Your brothers are in the student body right." She says smiling as she wasn't scared of his size.
"Reo-nee-chin and Shin-nee-chin? Yeah they're really smart." He says as others snicker about how he called his brothers.
"Alright and what do you want to do in the future?" She asks.
"Hmm pastry maker." He says as he sits down and continues to eat.
"Very good. Oh and during P.E. you won't be allowed to take those snacks." She says.
"Reo-nee-chin says I can." He says.
"Well I am older than your brother and I'm the teacher here. You can't eat your snacks during P.E." She says.
"I'm telling Reo-nee-chin on you." He grumbles as some students laugh.
Aida sighs before continuing. She then got to a certain name making her chuckle.
"Nijimura Daiki."
"Here." Daiki says lazily.
"I assume you'll be joining your brothers on the court." She says.
"Very good. I accept the best from you in class and in basketball."
"Good luck with that." Daiki smirks.
"Now tell us what you want to be in the future."
"Either a professional basketball player or a cop." He says before sitting down.
"Very good." She says before continuing the roll.
A few minutes later she had finished.
"Well Taiga I want you to pass these out to your classmates. It's their schedule so make sure it's to the right person." Aida says.
"Yes ma'am." Taiga gets up and starts to pass them out. When he gets to Tetsuya's he gives it to him kindly. When he gets to Atsushi, he gives it to him like normal but when he gets to Daiki's, he basically shoves it at him. Daiki growls and trips Taiga making him fall to the ground as the students laugh.
"Daiki run a lap!" Aida yells as Taiga got up. He finishes passing the papers just as Daiki grumbles and goes outside. He runs the lap and went back inside.
"Now then you have some free time while I got talk to the second coach. Stay here until the bell rings." Aida says before leaving.
"Tetsu-chin what's classes do you have? I have English, homeroom, math, lunch, cooking, biology, and P.E." Atsushi says as he looks at the smaller teen.
"The same as you." Tetsuya says as he shows him his schedule.
"Then you'll be my partner for all the things we do." Atsushi smiles as he eats his snacks.
"What a coincidence, we have all have the same class." Taiga says as he shows the two his schedule.
"Hmp well at least I get to be with Tetsu." Daiki smirks. "Who will be my partner like always."
"Leave me alone." Tetsuya says in his monotone voice.
"Tetsuya we really need to talk." Taiga says.
"There's nothing to talk about." Tetsuya didn't even look at him.
"Tetsuya please, look I'm sorry I was a horrible best friend. I should have never done that." Taiga tells him. "I never wanted to hurt you."
"Leave me alone Akashi-kun." Tetsuya says.
"Tetsuya please. Give me another chance." He looks at him.
"No." Tetsuya says.
"Tetsuya, I want my best friend back. Please. Let's work this out."
"You should have thought about that when you guys did that last year. I'm done with both of you. Now leave me alone."
"Tetsu you gotta believe me. I only want you." Daiki reaches for him before he feels a pain on his cheek.
Tetsuya slapped him right across his face. He has tears threatening to fall. "Both of you just leave me alone and stay away from me. You both caused enough damage already. I won't allow you two to hurt me like that. I'm never ever forgiving you both." Tetsuya quickly disappears.
"Great. You made him leave!" Daiki growls at Taiga.
"Me?! You! You made him leave! You were the one who had the idea! You never loved him." Taiga growls.
"I do love him. I have always loved him. And it was your idea! You just wanted to hurt him." Daiki growls before they felt two big hands on their heads.
"You both hurt him. You both were horrible to him. You two don't care about him. If you did you would leave him alone." Atsushi glares at them. "You guys humiliated him not only in front of his friend but in front of the school. I'm surprise his brothers didn't do worse to you Daiki-chin. The only reason they didn't do anything to you Taiga-chin is because you left right after."
Taiga looks down. "I need to make this up to him."
"Eh? No you need to leave him alone. He doesn't want to forgive you. He never will. Tetsu-chin is stubborn. Now leave him or I'll make you." A dark aura surrounds Atsushi as Daiki and Taiga know he only gets like that when someone takes his snacks or when his friends get hurt. Mostly his snacks though. Atsushi let's their heads go and leaves as he goes to find Tetsuya.
"I'm not giving up on him. Tetsu is mine Taiga. He'll love me again and you'll be out of the picture." Daiki glares at him.
"No. I'm getting back my best friend. And you know what? I'm asking him out. I've always loved Tetsuya. You were just in the way." Taiga glares as a spark of electricity goes between them.
"I won't lose to you." They say the the same time before walking out.

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