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"Jongdae, I think I have more information!" "Really?"

Junmyeon and Jongdae were in Junmyeons office. Junmyeon wa trying to get more information about Sooyoung, while Jongdae was working. After Jongdae was done with his shift he went to Junmyeons office. He had been sitting in that chair for almost an hour, barely sharing any words.

"Kim Sooyoung is 21 years old and she grew up in the neighbourhood of Gangnam. Her parents, Kim Eunji and Kim Jae Wook were rich CEO's, but they had to fire a lot of employee's, and almost fired half of the employee's in the business. A lot of people lost their job and couldn't pay their bills anymore, couldn't find new work and were helpless, and they didn't care about it. It wasn't their problem, they said."

Jongdae frowned. "That's rude, not even caring about the employee's you've fired, while they knew they were helpless!" Junmyeon nodded. "Two years ago she also got kidnapped by someone. That guy was one of the fired employee's. His mother was sick, and he couldn't take care of her and himself anymore, because he didn't have a job anymore. He wanted to take revenge on them, and kidnapped their daughter, which is Kim Sooyoung," Junmyeon explained.

"Does that mean... that the kidnapper from two years ago could be the same one as now?" Jongdae asked. "That could definitely be the case. Or at least one of those employee's. But that are more than 150 employee's. I can try to find out who the previous kidnapper was so we can investigate that area more," Junmyeon said. Jongdae nodded. "But it's 22:00 pm now, so I should go home now, the building will close soon." "Alright," Jongdae said and they walked outside together.

They both walked to their cars and drove home. When Jongdae stepped into his house he saw the mail on the ground. He picked up the envelopes and took his jacket and shoes off and seated himself on his couch.

Again, some bills he had to pay and a strange card. Could it be from Sooyoung again? He opened the card and got shocked when pictures fell out.

They were polaroid pictures, Jongdae knew. He had a polaroid camera himself too. He looked at the pictures, and saw pictures of her in a dark room and it seemed cold. She was thinner than she already was, wounds everywhere on her body.

Jongdae closed his eyes. Why did it have to be like that? For a second Jongdae was really mad at those parents. But then he realized this wasn't their intention. Ofcourse it wasn't. He sighed deeply. He wanted to let Junmyeon know but his hyung had already worked all day. He walked upstairs and decided to put it back in the card and put the card in his bedroom drawer.

He sat on his bed and grabbed his laptop. He wanted to try if he could find out more about that kidnapper from two years ago. Why did his laptop have to be so slow lately? He definitely needed a new one soon.

That night Jongdae couldn't sleep. He was staring at the ceiling. It was 1 AM and all he could think about were Sooyoungs pictures and the information he found. The kidnapper from two years ago was named Lee Wooseok and he was 26 years old back then. He had found a picture of him and he looked scary and dangerous. He had scars on his face and tattoos in his neck. He had dark piercing eyes and black messy hair.

He couldn't get the imagine of him hurting Sooyoung out of his head. He stood up and got dressed. He pulled out his phone from the charger and walked downstairs. He grabbed a cracker from the kitchen and quickly ate it. He put on his running shoes and his jacket, grabbed his keys and left the house.

He couldn't stand knowing what was going on with Sooyoung and wanted to save her as soon as possible. He got into his car and filled in the adress of the old building where Sooyoung was brought to two years ago.

He drove through a dark forest until he finally got to the building. It was grey and old and it looked a bit creepy, like a huge haunted house, but without scary creatures.

Jongdae parked his car. He had bad feelings about this, and he knew he should head back home, and he knew it was late and he should be in bed, go to sleep and ask Junmyeon and the police for help, but he wanted to help her. He wanted to be a hero once. For her.

Jongdae walked towards the big black gate. One you always see in movies, now he thought about it, the place reminded him of the Beauty and the Beast. He opened the gate and to his surprise, it wasn't locked, and actually just flew open.

He walked over to the stairs that lead to the front door, the gravel scraping under his shoes. He knocked on the door, but no one opened.

If he had to be honest, the dark place made him really scared. He lifted a pot with dead roses and found a key. Could it be the front door key? Wouldn't that be a little too easy maybe?

He grabbed the key from the floor. It was ice cold and sharp on the sides, which slightly hurt Jongdae's hands. He unlocked the door and slowly walked inside, keeping the key in the right pocket of his jacket.

He looked around. The tiles on the floor were classy, but dusty. They were black and white, like a chess board. There were some doors on the side but a huge staircase in the front, also covered in dust. Jongdae tried to keep his sneeze in, but couldn't. He was too sensitive to dust. He looked around. Nothing. Maybe there was no one here.

He walked up the stairs and looked around carefully. Suddenly he heard a loud and piercing scream. "Jongdae look out!" It was Sooyoungs voice. Jongdae turned around and saw Sooyoung on the floor in her white dress, covered in mud, dust and blood, screaming his name. "Sooyoung!" Jongdae wanted to run towards her, until he felt a hand around his throat. "Not so fast young man."

A slight cliffhanger hm?😉
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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