Chapter 3

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I wake up to brilliant sunshine streaming through the window and for a second im confused about where i am. Until i look over and see Tasie next to me. I go to move as im laying all over her but her voice makes me stop short. Even though her eyes are shut i know she is awake. 

'Dont move. Im comfy like this' she says cracking one eye open. 

I look at her and can feel my fangs elongate. Tasie looks so beautiful, all bed hair and sleepy. I just want to kiss her. I see a small smile play on her lips.

' Why dont you then?' she asks smiling shyly at me 

Its then i realise that i was projecting my thoughts.

'Sorry' i mumble as Tasie curls into my arms and puts her head against my chest. As i look down i see that im still in yesterdays clothes. I feel Tasie shift in my arms and find myself looking into her Amethyst eyes.

'How did u get in here' she asks me sleepily 'Not that i mind' 

'Your window was open and i could hear you calling me. Sorry if i overstepped the mark' I say, stroking her hair away from her face. 

Tasie stretches like a cat and moves to get up. I catch her hand and she twists her fingers with mine and smiles shyly. 

'Do you want some food before school?' she asks ' i can give you a ride too, if you dont have your car' 

' Thanks' i say getting to my feet as Tasie heads to the bathroom. I look around her room and notice all the photos on her wall. There is her and Tilly dressed as fairies for Halloween, them both eating Ice cream aged about 12 but my favorite is the one of Tasie looking across the ocean. Its clearly been taken without her knowing and she looks beautiful in it. 

' Dont look at them' she says coming out of the bathroom brushing her hair. Her voice makes me jump ' I look awful in them' 

'No you dont. This one is my favorite' I say pointing to the photo of her by the sea. 

'Oh' she says blushing softly 'Dillon took that one. I didnt even know he had until he gave me the photo.' 

We make our way down to the kitchen and i worry that someone will see us. 

Dont worry no-ones in. 

Her voice rings clearly in my head and i feel her hand slip into mine. We make our way into the kitchen and there on the table is so much food its like she's feeding the whole street. Its then i remember that im sat eating breakfast with a witch. I look across at her and my fangs threaten to punch out. I remember that its been days since i fed properly. I can feel Tasie's eyes on me and i look across slightly embarrassed because i know they will make my voice sound funny.

' You're quiet. Is everything okay ' she asks me. Her eyes full of concern.

I nod, not trusting myself to speak. So instead i project my voice into her head. 

Sorry but i need to feed. And i know thats going to make you uncomfortable. Maybe if you just drop me at home before school ... 

I let the sentance hang in the air. Its then that Tasie does something that shocks me completely. 

She gets up and walks around the table to were i am sat. She kneels  in front  of me and flicks her hair over her shoulder tilting her head and taking my hand she says softly. 

' Its okay. Theo please let me feed you' 

My fangs elongate instantly and i pull her close to me, kissing her gently. Its then that i strike and with the first pull on her vain i can feel what finding your Blood mate is all about. 

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