Chapter 3: Follower

Start from the beginning

"I've changed my mind," King said as he looked at the female in front of him causing her eyes to widened. "You've greatly fouled my mood, so I'm no longer feeling generous," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. The female's eyes widened hearing this and then King gained an expression as if he was thinking. "Actually," King said as the flames disperse and he looked at the female.

"Th-thank you," The female said as she looked at the male.

"I wouldn't thank me," King said as he turned his head to his side. "Shadow," King said causing the creature to show a small portion of itself, "Consume her," King said as he looked at the figure. When he said this a spike came up and impaled the female in her throat preventing her from screaming. A detail that King noticed and of course enjoyed.

The creatures then began to engulf the female and King watched as she struggled and Shadow engulfed all of her. King then watched as the humanoid figure stood completely still for a few seconds before it stood up straight and the shadows began to peel back revealing the female as she looked before King had burned her. King smiled seeing this and quickly examined the female.

As he did King smiled, "So this is the level of mimicry you perform. I can't tell the difference, if I hadn't just watched you consume that girls soul. I'd think you were a human," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. When he said this the female smiled and nodded.

"Thank you master," The female said in a voice that was much lighter than the female's original giving a more cutesy feel to it. King winced slightly hearing this clearly annoyed hearing this and looked at the shadow.

"Whatever the case, return to the castle. I have something I need to do, I'll be there shortly," King said as he looked at the female. When he said this the female nodded and began to walk towards the building before melting into the ground and darting towards the building.

King then began to walk towards the area he had been walking towards before and after a few minutes he arrived in front of a large crater and then jumped down it. As he fell the creature he was looking for quickly came into sight and he suddenly stopped just before he reached the creature and slowly floated down landing gently on top of the creature.

When he landed the creature began to move beneath him and looked down at King. Without talking to the male the Basilisk could already tell that he was different than he was before. His aura seemed more hostile and violent than it did before. "I see that you've returned, how did the mission go," The Basilisk asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I completed the job as expected," King said as he looked at the giant creature in front of him. The Basilisk nodded hearing this.

"Where you able to kill them? You were rather distressed about not being able to do so at the time," The creature said as it looked at child in front of it. King smiled hearing this and nodded.

"Of course I killed them, I'll admit they didn't go down easy but they were still noting compared to me," King said with a confident smile. The Basilisk smiled hearing this, it seems like it was right. Despite him taking more traits from his human side physically he still had his grimm genes inside of him and as a result his personality was now beginning to reflect that.

"I see, well unfortunately I have nothing to say at the moment. However I am happy to hear that you managed to defeat you target with relative ease. As for our agreement, consider it complete for the time being. You've already shown that you're more grimm than I expected so you've earned my trust for now. Any time you need me simply whistle and I'll come your aide if I'm able," The creature said as it began to slowly raise it's body so that King could leave the area he was in.

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