6 - The Empire

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Leia sighed as she looked out of the window at the endless swivel of the hyperspace from the Falcon's cockpit. She was surprised that only Chewbacca and R2-D2 returned, meaning that Rey had stayed with Luke on Ahch-To.

At the thought of her twin brother she smiled, hoping that once Rey's training would be finished, he'd come back with her and Leia would finally get to see him after all those years.

"Leia, are you alright?" Poe asked, sitting on the only chair left behind her.

"I've been better," she replied and an image of young Ben with Han flashed in her mind.
"and I've been worse," she added, trying to suppress the memories, focusing on the current situation of the Resistance. Their fleet was destroyed and there were about two hundreds of the members with a few other thousands of silent supporters – there was no other option but to lay low and re-group, allowing the First Order to strengthen their reign and iron grip over the galaxy.

Finn entered the cockpit, followed by Rose. The two made it out of Snoke's flagship right in time, moments before the Raddus flew into the Supremacy.

No one was in the mood to speak – they were all questioning the survival of the spark that should light the fire that would burn the First Order down.

The deep silence was interrupted by Chewie – he was pointing at one of the buttons on the panel which began beeping and flashing.

"Galaxy-wide frequency for emergency transmissions? What's happened?" Poe asked as he reached to press it.

Blue luminescent light swallowed the cockpit. Everyone present held their breath, wondering what the kriff was going on.

"...more about this from Lord Kylo Ren," a man with grey hair said, stepping out of the light. At the mention of her son Leia sharpened her senses.

A few seconds later, he was standing there, in the middle of the Falcon's cockpit. Leia was overwhelmed with emotions as she saw her grown up son for the first time in years. He was no longer a boy – but a beautiful young man with too much of his father's features in his face.

"Dear citizens of the First Order," his deep voice echoed throughout the solar systems – and Leia had to grasp her seat in order to keep sitting steady.

"These last few rotations, many galaxy-shaping events had happened that you should be aware of. In the battle above Crait, Supreme Leader Snoke managed to conquer the last of the Resistance, however in doing so he had to sacrifice his life to protect you, all of you – so you could live in peace, with no more wars threatening your home worlds."

"Can't we turn it off? I am sick of the propaganda," Finn muttered and wished he could switch off the holo transmission.

"Not yet, there might be some more information about who'll be Snoke's descendant – where they'll be governing from and much more," Poe said and Leia nodded: "We have to keep listening."

It was hard for the General to accept the fall of the Resistance while her son kept staring at her. Everything felt like a betrayal. For so long, she'd been clinging to the last strings of hope, but at the sight of Ben completely lost to the darkness, she felt like the galaxy was punishing her for all the good she'd done. Her mother, her adoptive parents, her planet, her people, her husband, her brother and even her father – they've all been lost thanks to the Dark side. She was not ready to add her son to the list.

"In his honor," Kylo Ren continued, occasionally dropping gaze to read from his prepared speech,
"in three days from now, there will be a feast held at the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, to celebrate the late Supreme Leader and the establishment of peace."

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