Hiding from the She Devil

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I ran to Armin's house and knocked on the door." Hi Eren, what's up," he said with a smile." Armin, I need to hide at your house for awhile," I just walked into his house before he could say anything." So what brings you here Eren," Armin asked." I'm hiding from Mikasa," I replied." What did you do know," Armin said with a sigh." I didn't tell her that I was going out with someone, but then I opened my big mouth and said something I shouldn't have," I felt I was going die." Well if you explain it t-" I cut Armin off." We know damn well that talking to her isn't going to work." I said. Suddenly my phone rang, I was scared to answer it, for it could be Mikasa. I hesitated then Armin gave me a nod that I should answer it. I picked the phone and answered it." Hey Eren it's Levi-" I panicked and hung up." Eren what did you that for," Armin yelled." I panicked," I let words said settle and thought about. Wait did they say they were Levi. HOLY CRAP!!!!! I quickly called Levi back and he answered the phone." Hello," he sounded pissed." Um, Hey Levi," I said." Eren you little fucker, why did you hang up on me!" he yelled." I'm sorry Levi but I couldn't keep my big mouth shut and told my sister and she is is going to kill me. So I thought you were Mikasa and I panicked so I hung up, haha funny story isn't it," I waited for I reply." Funny my ass Eren, I will make sure you'll never hang up on me again." Levi was seriously mad." Leeeevvvviiii I'm sorry! I pleaded and pleaded." Whatever brat," and with that Levi hung up." Armin now Levi is mad at me too, I don't know what to do." I was so frustrated. Armin and I sat in silence for a while, until the door swung open.

Hey guys,

I'm so sorry for not updating I'm just so lazy :p Ill try to update everyday for you guys and a HUGE thank you for so many reads( I forgot how many reads this story got) also you guys are awesome as always so bai :3

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