Chapter 6

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>>few days after Chapter 5<<

We sit in Goodwitch's class watching Jaune get his ass kicked by Cardin.

Rose"Its like he's never fought before."

Asta"Its a possibility."

Shiro just eats some candy she bought with the money we've been making at Junior's. Cardin finally knocks Jaune on his ass just before Cardin finishes him off Goodwitch stops him.

Glynda"That's enough Mr.Winchester, now class as you can see Mr.Aura his now in the red, in a tournament this would mean he's disqualified, in a real fight he'd be dead. Mr.Arc its been a long time now and you still haven't shown any progress please refer to your scroll to check your aura, we wouldn't want you to get gobbled up by a Grimm now would we."

Cardin"Speak for yourself."

Jaune gets up and hangs his head low and goes back to his team and Pyrrah pats his back

Glynda"Now we have time for one more match, Mr.Winchester choose who you'd like to face."

Cardin looks around then smirks when he sees me and points his finger at me

Cardin"Him, emo wolf I wanna face him."

I look at Goodwitch with a raised eye brow as she nods. I stand up and stretch.

Glynda"Danny please hold back I don't need a dead student."

Everyone on the room is whispering to each other.

"So fists only no guns got it."

Asta"You're just as dangerous without your guns."

I shrug and step into the arena yawning a bit

Cardin"You tired mutt? Don't worry I'll make sure you get your sleep."

I put my hands in my pockets and stand there calmly

"Pretty cocky of yourself huh."

He gets annoyed and charges at me.


As he gets close and swings down I side step and back flip away, keeping my hands in my pockets. This only pisses him off more and starts to attack recklessly as I dodge effortlessly


I continue to dodge.



Asta"Move to the left"

I move to the left dodging an attack. Cardin gets angrier and angrier as I dodge. I then turn into a cloud of smoke and move to the other end of the arena and yawn popping my knuckles

"Alright this is boring now."

Cardin pants and breaths heavily his aura in the low yellow.

"You good Cardin, seems like you wasted a lot of energy trying to hit me."

Cardin"Shut up mutt!"

I smirk shaking my head turning into a cloud of smoke and rushing him he swings at me put it goes through me because 'hello I'm smoke' I end up behind him and put him in a head lock kicking him from his feet to his knees ready to snap his neck. I then whisper into his ear.

"I need you to understand I can kill you  right now. You wouldnt be my first kill and you certainly won't be my last."

I start turning his head a little putting pressure on his neck

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