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"Let's get closer, Tetsurin," the wig bearer was itching in her spot to sneak closer to the window and inspect the girl staring out the window at them.  “She’s blocking my view of my cute brother.”

"I think she's traumatized," the camcorder teen just stayed put, watching his banchou snake her way across the open courtyard towards the window.  However she was stopped in her tracks by the principal who so happened to be walking past.

"Excuse me, and you are...?"

Tsuyaki stood to her feet, brushing off the leaves from her skirt.  Time to put her amazing actress skills into action.~ 


“Oho, I am Mrs. Kurokasi, and I was wondering if I could have a tour, right, honey?~” Tsuyaki glanced over at her sidekick with a bat of her eyelashes.

Somehow out of nowhere, said ‘Mr. Kurosaki’ had on a pair of glasses and nodded, holding up his camcorder.  “I want to see every inch of this campus, sir.  I won't let my daughter go to some horrid school."

“So...~” ‘Mrs. Kurosaki’ sided up against the principal with a sly smirk.  “We’d be soo honored if it was directly from the principal himself...~”

Tsuna was not able to capture Tsuya’s motion picture perfect moment since he was abruptly called on by the teacher to read in English.  And he did.  Poorly.  Like usual.  The snickers increased as he sat down, his face red with embarrassment.  Even Kei-chan was laughing!  I want to go die now, Tsuna tried to hide his face behind the book.

A knock on the door made the teacher pause as everyone turned to the door to see who it was.  The principal walked in, followed by none other than ‘Mr. and Mrs. Kurosaki’.  He cleared his throat, nodding a bit, as the principal said, “I am just making a tour here with some prospective parents, so please, carry on.”

The mutters and murmurings died down then increased as all the girls admired the handsome young man and all the boys silently wolf whistled to one another as they stared at the beautiful young woman.  “Now, now, settle down, class,” the teacher tried to grab their attention, but to no avail.  However, the couple and principal walked away after a few minutes.


"Yo, Tsuna!" Kise ran up to his fainted brunette friend.  "Let's go eat lunch!"

"I forgot my lunch..." Tsuna whined a bit, following Kise out to the courtyard.

"No worries, you can share mine!" the black-haired jock grinned, holding up another melon bread.

"My hero..." Tsuna's eyes became all sparkly as he clasped the bread with reverence and-


A soccer ball came flying through the air and hit Tsuna square in the face, making him drop his bread and fall to the floor.

"Oh, my gosh, is he okay?  Yo, Dame-Tsuna!" A crowd of other kids crowded around the fainted brunette.

"Oya, oya, this is no good," a familiar voice 'tsk'ed, tapping his foot.  "I should take him to the infirmary."

Everybody watched as the parent from the gorgeous couple earlier hefted the fainted Tsuna onto his shoulder and walked off.

Nobody questions beautiful people.


"Haah...where am...I?" Tsuna finally awoke.  It was almost the end of the school day, and he stretched, noticing that he was in the infirmary.  "What?"

"How are you feeling, Sawada?" a muffled voice from behind the closed curtain asked him.

Tsuna rubbed his eyes.  "Ah, I think I'm okay now."  He stood up from the cot and stretched, drawing back the curtain.

Tsuya's grinning face greeted him.


Tsuna quickly tried to pull the curtain shut.

"OI.  WHAT ARE YOU DOIN', LIL' BRO?" Tsuya had a yandere smile on her face as she ripped back the curtain and descended up on her fallen brother.

"O-O-Onii-chan!" Tsuna tried to wriggle out of her grasp.  "W-Wh-What are you doing here?!"

She merely grinned, licking her lips.  "Ah, high school is too fun, too fun!~  Neh, Tsu, let me be you for the rest of the week."

"W-Wh-What?!  Are you insane?!"  Well, that wasn't the right question to ask because Tsuya immediately poked him in multiple pressure points.

"I-I...I-I can't move!!!" Tsuna screamed hysterically, but Tsuya merely covered his mouth with her hand.

"Class is almost over for today, so I'll take you home, m'kay?  You're in no shape to do anything~" she giggled, pulling out her phone and quickly calling Tetsu.  "Yo, Tetsurin, do you have the gym bag ready?"

What am I, a dead body?! Tsuna couldn't help but think  fearfully as he watched Tetsu come in with a...



"Moooom!~  I'm home!" Tsuya called out as she opened the front door.

"How was Tsuna's school, dear?" she looked out from the kitchen.

"Wonderful, but unfortunately, Tsuna got hurt."  Tsuya motioned to Tetsu, holding the body bag.

"Oh, my, is he all right?" their mom seemed slightly intrigued.

"Yeah, he just got hit by a soccer ball, but it seems that he'll have to stay at home for the rest of this week, and maybe even next week!" Tsuya shrugged carefree.

"You're so meaaaaan!!!" Tsuna wailed once their mother went back to cooking and Tetsu opened the bag, taking him upstairs to his room.

"Don't worry," Tsuya tried to relax him a bit, following the two upstairs.  "This is all part of my plan...

"To make you the most popular guy at school!"

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