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           I woke up with a loud yawn that was followed by a satisfied sigh. I was staring at my old, crumbling ceiling before my mind had caught up to me. Is Papyrus home? Was the only thing I could think of. I sat up, my body slower than my mind and I didn't feel all the after pain until I stood up.
           "Guhhh, ow ow..." Hunching over, I wrapped my arms around my body and whined. I should've remembered out of all people, fresh wounds always hurt the most a day or two after they're made. I pushed myself back on to the bed, sitting on the edge and groaning in pain. I tried to call out to my brother.
           "Paa...py–ru...ss..." Usually I can handle the cruel day after injuries but I was nearly killed last night. I turned my head, feeling the burns rub on the sensitive bone in my neck from where I was choked. I started wheezing, barely breathing.
           "Pa—py—RUS!!" I yelled so loud my voice cracked in the middle of his name. I barely heard any footsteps before Paps came running to my room, slamming open the door.
           "SANS!?" He looked at me frantically.
           "I n-need painkillers..." I said softly, but he understood me somehow. He rushed to the bathroom and all I could hear was shuffling. I found myself freaking out over the pain; starting to wheeze and whine. Pictures of Grillby choking me and getting over me flashed through my mind. I started loosing grip on reality.
             "Get off! GET OFF!!" I screamed, grabbing my skull in agony. All I could see was Grillby on top of me, and after what I remember this was a horrific sight. My eye sockets were wet with red tinted tears that streamed down my cheeks. I heard footsteps running towards me.
          "SANS! HEY, SNAP OUT OF IT! SANS!!" I heard Papyrus' voice and hands on my shoulders shaking me violently. I curled down as if trying to be an armadillo but the hands kept me from falling over in a ball.
          "No, no, no, stop!" I couldn't see anything now. I didn't feel safe.
          "SANS! LISTEN TO ME!!" My eyelights flickered as I listened to Paps' voice which was forcefully dragging me back to reality. I realized it was his hands that were on my shoulders and felt them move to my head, grabbing my own hands and pulling them closer to him. I still couldn't see anything.
            "Open your eyes, Sans..." I listened to him, focusing only on him despite the fear eating at me. The first thing I saw was my feet. My mustard colored socks covering my toes. It was blurry, but I could still make it out. I heard myself panting, and felt myself trembling. Slowly, I looked up. Tracing Papyrus' body up to his head, I made eye contact with him. I couldn't make out his expression, but he smiled at me then ever so gently pulled me into his embrace. Once I hugged back he squeezed me just enough to be comfortable and make me feel safe.
              "It's okay...you're okay..." He rubbed my back. I nearly melted into him, burying my face in his long neck and sobbing. He obviously felt my body shaking from the shock since he was trying so hard to calm me down.
             "You had a panic attack...you haven't had one of those in a couple years..." I didn't realize it. I wouldn't have come out of it if he wasn't there either since I have no medication anymore. We stayed there for a few minutes before Papyrus let go of me. He asked me if I felt better and I just nodded.
            "Here, sit while I grab you some water..." He lifted me onto the bed and made sure I was comfortable before leaving. I couldn't speak, I felt like someone just ripped out my SOUL, took all my energy and shoved it back in. I'm getting Magic palpitations.
           "Do you want to talk about it?" Papyrus asked, walking back into my room with a small cup of room temperature water. I shook my head. I just wanted to forget about what happened.
            "Here." Papyrus carefully handed me both the pills and cup of water. The water splashed against the insides of the cup as I merely held it, still shaking terribly. I tossed my head back with my hand over my mouth, throwing the pills in my mouth and shutting my eyes tightly as I swallowed with water. Hating the taste and feeling them get stuck in my 'throat' made me chug the rest of the water. I sighed after and gave the cup back to Papyrus.
          "C-Could you get me m-more panic attack meds?" I felt so stupid from stuttering, but I had no control over it. My body was filled with fear, and even if I knew it was just a panic attack I felt like I relived the moments I most recently despised.
          "I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee I'll come home with a bottle." He answered me still in his soft yet raspy voice. I nodded, laying back down in my bed. He stood up and pulled the blanket over me. I whispered a soft "thanks" hoping he heard me.

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I think this next chapter is the juicy one. Prepare your anuses...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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