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           "What the hell were you trying to do!?" Grillby rushed over to me, lifting me into a more suitable position rather than just sobbing on the carpet, laying there like a sad helpless orphan. Although, I couldn't bare to look at his face. Embarrassment, fear, it was mixed in an unpleasant feeling.
          "Sans look at me." Grillby's purple flames were black at the tip of his head. Haven't seen that since he got mad at me...that...time.
          "What's it f-fucking look like..." I kept my gaze away from his face until I felt his hot hand grab my chin and yank it forwards. He forced me to look at him.
          "Why didn't you use the safe word last night?"
           "Last night? What time is it...?"
          "Don't change the subject. Why didn't you use the safe word?"
          "I wanted to push my limits. And why did you break my fucking ribs!?"
          "I didn't know you were so fucking weak!"
          "Weak? I trusted you! I never said you could break anything let alone make a mark that stands out!!" I yelled at him. I yelled so loud he just sat there staring at me. I panted, trying to catch my breath from this stupid fucking situation. I didn't expect Grillby to start getting physically mad at me. He leaned over and grabbed my neck that was hidden through the fur in my hood. I flinched and instinctively grabbed his one arm with both my hands.
          "You have no friends, no family, no one loves you, so why would you bother to ruin this one chance you have with someone who has the same interests as you!?"
          "Y-You fuck-ing SADIST!" I screamed at Grillby, and he squeezed my neck, cutting off my Magic.
           "Go on, tell me you don't love this!" He pushed me down, pinning me to the carpet by my neck. I tried with every bit of my energy to pull off his arm but I barely did any damage. My eyelights started to flicker. I try to focus on Grillby, and I noticed that's not my Grillby. Not the one who appreciates my existence even in the slightest. I pulled my knees up over my chest, wincing and wheezing in pain as I ready my legs to launch. He looked down at me with his slit eyes that reminded me of Papyrus. That was it, I kicked both my legs up, forcing him to jolt back and let go of me. I rolled over to my stomach, pulling my knees under me so my head was down and I could gasp for air. I grabbed my throat and rubbed it for comfort and I peeked over at Grillby. He was on his back, pushing himself up to his feet. I pushed myself up with help from the wall, but I still wasn't fully recovered from being choked. He looked at me, pissed as hell and all I could feel was panic. He walked towards me, intent to kill.
          'He's gonna kill me!!' was the only sentence running through my head. I jumped over, running under his arms and making a break for it. I didn't expect to get far, and I was right. I don't want to kill him, but I don't want to get killed!
          "Sans!!" He yelled my name. I didn't look back. I stopped for a millisecond to be able to teleport away, but somehow Grillby pounced me right when I split out of that area. We wound up in Snowdin, a little ways away from the town and closer to the woods. He was on top of me again and I was fighting for my pathetic life.
          "Get the fuck off of me!" Continuous grunts and curses filled the bitterly cold air before I managed to break free just a little bit. My eyes went black until my left one swelled up with one big red eye. I lifted my hand and summoned multiple Gaster Blasters and rows of bones.
          "You wouldn't..." Grillby looked at me tauntingly. I sure as hell would if I didn't care about him.
          "Leave me the fuck alone..." I waved my arm forward, showering him in bones. The best he did was put his arm over his head to protect himself. I didn't kill him. I didn't want to. Even after him trying to kill me. I really am pathetic...I left him there surrounded by bones that would knock off 6 HP with every touch. I gave Grillby one final glare before gathering myself together and walking towards Snowdin, my home I haven't seen in over 24 hours. I hugged myself tightly in my jacket, all the pain was finally catching up to me. I need painkillers.

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