family meets harlow

Start from the beginning

"That game does looks fun! And okay, go ahead bud!" RJ says as he works on his laptop.

Benji begins to play Mario Odyssey and RJ watches in amazement. RJ loves video games but Benji plays them with ease. RJ thinks Benji should be a video game designer or something when he gets older.

Coralei and Theodore begin to color together while Harlow slept in her swing.

Will walks down the steps forty minutes later and is very rejuvenated from his nap.

"Hi, babe!" RJ says with a big grin happy to see his husband.

"Hey, baby. I really needed that nap. Thank you for letting me sleep some." Will says kissing RJ.

"You're welcome! I know Harlow kept you up last night! Harlow has been pretty good! I just fed her and she fell right asleep." RJ says as Will smiles at Harlow and fixes her blanket.

"She loves to eat, just like Theodore did at this age. She literally wouldn't unlatch at all last night." Will says as he yawns and fixes his glasses.

"She's definitely having a growth spurt! I think she is too big for the newborn onesies now!" RJ says to Will.

"I think she is too. She's almost too tall for the newborn onesies too." Will says as he fixes his hair a little bit.

"Daddy! Papa! I finally beat this level of Mario Odyssey!" Benji says to Will with excitement.

"Awesome job, bubba! I know you can do it!" Will says as Benji hugs him tightly.

"Daddy!" Coralei and Theodore say in unison.

"Hi, guys!" Will says hugging Coralei and Theodore.

"Grandma, Mima, Nana, Pipo and Pop are coming so let's clean up the house okay?" Will says to the older kids.

"Okay!" Coralei, Theodore and Benji say in unison.

Janice, Karen, Hank, Martha and Ricardo have arrived at the Shepherd-Aguiar house! They had just been bombarded by kisses and hugs from Benji, Theodore and Coralei.

"Where's the baby girl at?" Martha asks Will and RJ with excitement.

"She's in her swing taking her nap! She loves to stick her feet out of her blanket so don't cover her feet up. She will kick the blanket off." RJ says with a grin.

"Sounds just like her Papi!" Martha says making everybody laugh.

"It's really cute too." Will says as he grabs a few bottles of water for Janice, Karen, Hank, Martha and Ricardo.

Janice, Karen, Hank, Martha and Ricardo all walk into the living room and they see Harlow sleeping.

"Aww, she's so precious! She has a little tan on her! Is she jaundice?" Karen asks Will and RJ.

"Her bilirubin levels were checked yesterday at her two week appointment and she is just fine. She's just tan like RJ." Will says jokingly.

"Look at that hair! It's thick too!" Hank says with a grin.

"All that heart burn I had was so worth it! Her hair is very soft and like silk. It's beautiful." Will says to his stepdad.

RJ hands Harlow to Janice to hold first. Janice smiles for pictures with Harlow.

"How do you feel about having another great granddaughter, Janice?" RJ asks her as he vlogs her holding Harlow.

"I absolutely love it. She is so precious. Congratulations, boys!" Janice says to Will and RJ.

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